
Monday, May 30, 2011

happy memorial day

camo pants for memorial day? yes, please.

welcome to the planet, camdyn daniel

matt, beckett and i are too thrilled to announce the arrival of our brand spankin' new nephew slash cousin, camdyn! he entered the world early early early this memorial day and it is killing me to be so far away! i want to jump on a plane this second and fly down to the bay area to cuddle this tiny adorable new person! congrats to dan and sarah, and to big sisters, faith and mia. we are so excited for your new family of five!!! yipee!

camdyn daniel rhys pennebaker
may 30th, 2011
8 pounds 1 ounce
20.5 inches

more pics and updates to come!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

deep fried candy bars

the title says it all really. i don't know when we took a turn into healthy town, but here we are. we also tried to deep fry pickles and they turned out pretty disgusting... i think the batter was wrong. also, matt made some funnel cake!

mmm... why are deep fried things so good?!

wondering where b was while we ate our oh so healthy snacks? oh, just bouncing in the bathroom doorway of course. he likes to face the toilet for some reason. his auntie went to see him for awhile so he wouldn't get bored and after we were done with the hot oil, we got him out and let him have seven deep fried oreos. we think it was the perfect first food. 

are you wishing you knew how to make deep fried candy bars? of course you are... you're not crazy. here is a link to the recipe we used from 5 ingredient fix. as a side note... don't try butterfinger, the crispity crunchity part gets really hard and weird. 

hana is three!

on saturday we got to celebrate the wonderous occasion of hana turning three years old! man time flies... she is such a big girl. hana had her party at a gymnastics center and also it was princess themed (of course).

beckett had a great time at the party. i took him out on the gymnastics floor and he instantly fell asleep until about the last 15 minutes of the party. way to rally, b! then he quickly enjoyed some crown time with auntie baby saige, had a slice of princess cake (lies... maybe he could taste the cake through the milk though), and received his party bag, which included a nice frog washcloth. he loves it.

hana has been a little shy around me lately (sad... since we used to be best friends), but she warmed up by the end of the party and it was just like old times. i don't know why i'm so blurry in this picture and apparently throwing my own child to the side to enjoy some time with my best friend. hana is very cute in it though.

happy birthday to hana! thanks for inviting us to your fun party. let's hang out soooon!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

who loves auntie saige? we do!

saige is visiting for the long weekend and we can't wait to have her here with us all summer long!!!

saige felt like people were judging her as a teen mother out with her baby in the bjorn. she won't be a teen for long... eep! also, people often think saige and i are twins... so if she looks like a shady teen mom with b, then what do people think of me?

beckett walks all over her... and she loves it.

so many piggies

so, normally feet gross me out pretty bad, but this picture i took is pretty cute.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

hat party!

beckett got a lot of super cute hats from his friends and family and i decided to photograph him in his many hats today. he was in a super good mood and was a delightful model. he is really too cute... in my opinion.

owl hat 1 (gap)
from jenni

 harry potter hat (etsy)
from stephanie

green knit hat (handmade by lonnie!)
from harper

owl hat 2 (etsy)
from saige

 striped knit hat (handmade by diane!)
borrowed from coen

hospital hat!
from evergreen medical center

thanks for the adorable hats! we love them!

Monday, May 23, 2011

fox is one!

on march 22nd beckett's good friend, fox (sometimes spelled foxXx) celebrated his first birthday! we had a fun time at fox's bday party on saturday playing with all of his friends and eating homemade pizza. yum. 

the friend-os and their dads

present opening was cra-zay!

happy birthday fox! one looks good on you!


my uncle jack (b's great uncle!) loves to "enhance" photos i've taken with photoshop. i thought i should display one of his artistic renderings. i think the chest hair really adds that special extra something this picture was missing.

the original

Saturday, May 21, 2011

the friend-os

beckett is starting a band with two of his friends. they are going to be a really big deal. and super hip. of course. 

beck                  fox                quinn

the friend-os

mister sun, sun... come on and shine!

we have finally had some really nice weather and a break from the rain. it has been much needed and i love me some rain... so you know it's a big deal when i say that! beckett met up with penelope for a walking date around greenlake. romantic, right? it was beckett's (and my) first time to greenlake. it is really so beautiful and right in the middle of the city. i heart seattle and it's ability to be so... um, metronatural! 

that's right... we even had to break out the sunglasses!

turns out penelope does not like it when i bonk her in the head with beckett's head. sorry tiny lady!

the sun makes them so darn tired. it's hard to get pushed around all day.

a boy and his dog

since beckett got here i've had a real love hate relationship with the dogs. really, more hating than loving. i want to throw ford out the window when he barks and wakes up the baby or chews on the baby's toys or runs away from me in the front yard, or... well, you get the idea. beckett, on the other hand is starting to really love the dogs. he laughs at them as they spaz out all over the living room and gives them pets when they dare to get close enough. i guess we'll keep them around for now. here is b and ford... ford was clearly frozen in terror.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

swing swing swing!

today beckett had a little swing time with his good friend, quinn. it was his first time on a swing and he pretty much loved it. 

if these pictures just aren't enough for you... here is a video!

happy mom's day

being a mom is by far the coolest thing that has ever happened to me! here's to our mom's for having us so we could have beckett and i could be a mom too! yea for my first mother's day!

 me and my sweet baby boy on mother's day. his adorableness makes me cry.

and matt's mom, of course! we heart you!

 and my mom too! i miss her pretty much everyday. she would have loved her some beckett kol!

and a tiny sister mother shout out! can't wait for our summer with saige!!!

 hope everybody had a magical mom's day!!! 


i am going to make this post not so terrible soon... i am waiting on some pics and i don't want to get out of order! but i'll fix it, i swear! here is beckett in some easter carrot jammies from jenni for now!!!

oh man! i never fixed this page because i never got the pictures i was waiting on! it has been over a year! here are some pictures from good friday dinner...

and beckett and lincoln at easter dinner!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

hey daddy-o

beckett loves his dad oh so much. he is pretty great.

tiptoe through the tulips

 in april (on aunt kate's bday!) we made our annual trip to the tulip festival. the tulips and daffodils were a bloomin', but it was ridiculously freezing cold and windy! i had high hopes for adorable pictures with beckett, quinn, and harper in the tulips, but mother nature apparently did not care about my plans! oh well, i still loooove tulips!

seriously... this was our best family picture.

some dads and babes

beckett really wishes we could have just stayed in the car!

matt and quinn replaced matt and i for a dirty dancing pose.

the babes felt better inside with some nice beers.

 umm... happy birthday aunt kate!