
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

the library!

beckett took his first trip to the library today and got his first library card. actually, i got a library card. how lame am i that i have lived here for five years and didn't have one yet? beckett loved reading some new books at the library, especially ones with pictures of babies and we got some real goodies to take home with us. i'm sure we will be back a lot, sometimes the number of books available in this world overwhelms me! one life is not enough time to read everything i want! good thing we are getting beckett started early! 

oh, b. library cards are not for eating.

who loves the library? we do!

reading makes us very tired...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

sweet potatoes!

beckett had his first ever meal today... sweet potato mixed with breast milk! delish! i say delish, but really i have no idea what my breast milk tastes like because i am too freaked out to try it and i think sweet potatoes are gross. we went and got some sweet potatoes from matt's favorite place, the yakima fruit market (see the photo above). we are pretty excited to start introducing food to b... he is so so interested in watching us eat. his first food experience went pretty good, he was a little weirded out by it, but he loved holding the spoon and didn't spit any huge amount out. saige, of course video taped the whole thing, but i will spare you all the six minute video. yay for my big boy who eats food!

double birthday partay

on saturday we went to jon and natasha's new place for a bbq to celebrate both their birthdays and see their new house aaaaand celebrate their almost here new puppy. they are getting a golden retriever tomorrow that they are naming teagan! cuuuuuute. i was a monster about taking pictures. i am ashamed... anyways, happy birthday jon and natasha!

here is a puppy picture!

john's big move

on saturday matt helped john move to the landing in renton. the building looks a lot like a nice hotel on the inside and matt asked john if he felt like eloise at the plaza. it is a pretty cool setup.

after the moving was done, john took us to five guys burgers and fries. it is really pretty delicious burgers and fries and we could walk right across the street to get there. i'm still not sure why john bought me lunch too... i definitely did no helping with the move, lucky me. thanks for lunch!

congrats on the new place john! it is pretty fancy pants.

Friday, June 24, 2011


i know there is a lot of debate about kids and how much tv they watch these days. how young is too young to watch? how much is too much? what is appropriate at what age? all i know is, the new 3d tv at costco is probably totally appropriate for a five month old, right? at least there was a cartoon on... :)

s'mores please!

i love a good s'mores night. they are so delicious and the kreitlows introduced us to using fudge striped cookies instead of graham crackers and chocolate. it is the cookie and chocolate combined and much less messy. genius. it started pouring rain as soon as we started the fire, but since we are die hard fans of roasted marshmallows it didn't stop us!

here are some sweet babes

i think this may be my all time favie picture of whitney

girl picture including (drumroll) lonnie, yay! but missing harper, boo!

a trio of babies with their dads

the boys minus ryan... we are terrible at getting everyone

a s'more break to kiss? crazy talk!

the bakers celebrated 14 years of married bliss this week! shooooot!

i heart s'mores, matt, baby b, and friends!

feelin' just beachy

beckett loved going to the beach... and by loved i mean he loved it for 20 minutes before he fell fast asleep on both our beach visits. here are a million beach photos...

happy dad's day!

beckett was very sad to be away for father's day, but luckily this is a lifetime gig for matt... so we have a lot of future father's days to make up for it. matt is really such a good dad and b loves him so much. since beckett isn't too chatty just yet and hasn't given me much insight on his feelings, here are some of the dad qualities i like best in matt! 

1. matt cuddle sleeps with b every night. yes... beckett sleeps in bed with us, more specifically snuggled up to his dad, and you know what... no regrets. i don't think we've created a totally unbreakable habit and their sleepy cuddle time is precious and adorable. 

2. in the evenings i give b a bath and matt takes him afterwards and gets him ready for bed. i can always hear beckett babbling and giggling at his funny dad. matt will do whatever it takes to get a laugh and b thinks he is a real riot.

3. matt thinks beckett is the cutest, smartest, most advanced kid to walk the planet. beckett is going to grow up having some seriously good self esteem.

4. matt will walk around with beckett in the bjorn until he thinks his back is going to fall off because b likes being in there. beckett smiles when he sees his dad going over to the closet where the bjorn is kept. he can barely handle the anticipation! 

5. beckett knows how much his dad loves him. beckett probably has sensitive face skin because we are irritating it with hundreds of kisses. i am glad that matt is a dad that is good at showing love. 

beckett and i both think that his dad really is pretty rad. happy father's day to matt!