
Sunday, July 31, 2011

ford is six!

happy birthday to rutherford henry... the dog i used to love bbk (before beckett kol). who knew i was using dogs to fill a void in my life that could only really be filled with a baby? probably everybody. slowly, but surely the dogs are working their way back into my heart... but it's a long road ahead. i did give ford one pepperoni for his bday though.

see ya later bay area

our last day in the bay area we went to lunch, got ice cream, attempted to go on a walk (not too successfully thanks to a certain baby), and hung out before it was time to head home. i wanted to do a post because we took a groupish type photo i wanted to put up. please ignore my crying child who is trying to rip his own shirt off. he was really in a very good mood the rest of lunch. i hope this is not a sign that he is already over having his photo taken! you've got a lot of years of picture taking to put up with b, so you better get over it now! we will for surely miss our bay area family, but will hopefully see them again very soon!

Friday, July 29, 2011

sunday lunch date

on sunday we went over to grandpa allen and grandma terry's house to have some lunch. it was an especially fun lunch date because beckett got to meet his uncle mike, aunt shawna, and aunt michelle! also, aunt kate finally arrived for the end of the weekend. wowzas... this weekend was an aunt and uncle extravaganza! also, it would be rude of me to not mention another new family member we met, allen and terry's new poodle, cooper! thanks for the fun lunch date guys!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


just a quick little post to shout out ella, livi, and ford's cousin in the bay area... wilma. she is ridiculous. ridiculously cute. 

a party for daniel!

the whole family (minus aunt kate, sad) was down to celebrate uncle dan's birthday, with delicious mexican food. mmm... why is guacamole the world's most wonderful food? we had a fun night celebrating dan, whose birthday was really on the 10th, with everyone there. nights like this make me sad that the family is so spread out. probably everyone should just move to washington... it's the place to be. anyways, happy birthday to dan and thanks to aunt sarah for planning and cooking and baking and having us all over! the party was a success!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

cousin love

last weekend we flew down to the bay area to celebrate matt's big brother, dan's birthday. we also got to meet our new nephew camdyn, finally! we stayed at dan and sarah's home... so we got to have lots of quality cousin time with faith, mia, and baby camdyn. dan and sarah are such super hosts. we had lots of good food and cozy hang out time. they really made our stay so very stress free, even with a baby. it was pretty nice. below is a sampling of the millions of cousin pictures we got... the kids are all so freakin' cute, how could they not be the focus of the camera all weekend?!

pennebaker kids galore!

beautiful silly faith

 future bffs 

 cutie sassy mia shea

 this makes me want a sibling for b... now!

 sweet baby beckett

 matching outfits! 

 precious newbie camdyn

 he looooves his sister

 yay for cousins! thanks for the fun!


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

tiny frequent flyer

beckett has taken quite a few airplane trips in his short life. he is just so busy. so many places to go and people to see. over the weekend we flew to the bay area to visit with family and had a super delayed flight! boo, southwest airlines, boo. luckily, beckett kept himself busy hanging out with zac, playing with tictacs (super safe, i know), sitting around by himself, and getting some work done on his ipad. he is such a little jet setter. 

as a side story... on our flight back we were in the back row by the restrooms and when an older man came out of the bathroom with a crazy patterned shirt (and a beer belly), beckett slowly reached out and pinched him on the stomach! luckily, beckett is cute and the man was a good sport about it. but geez, b... impolite much?

thelens come back!

we had a fun time for the rest of the week with the thelens. they should move back home to us. like... tomorrow.