
Sunday, August 28, 2011

gelato date

good news! we found a food that beckett likes. it is mango gelato. i am sure it will be fine and healthy to give him all his food in gelato form, right? 

he was so inspired by the delicious gelato, that he performed a pot drum solo when he got home.  

Thursday, August 25, 2011

go beezus go

he's on the move, people! kind of. if he could just get his big noggin' off the floor. hee hee.


guess who loves apples?! a lot of people! unfortunately beckett is not one of them. oh well, one day we will find something he loves. in the mean time, we got some of the best crazy faces during apple testing, in my opinion. enjoy!

beach baptisms

last sunday, journey church had it's yearly beach party. we had a bbq contest... matt won best pork for his bbq pulled pork sandwiches, of course. they were very delicious. we also had our beach baptisms... right in lake washington. fun! and chilly, but good news... the day was hot, hot, hot. beckett and quinn loved watching the baptisms from their carriers. and paisley loved watching the ducks and wishing she could go get one. lonnie took the photo above of beckett at the bbq. it's a real goodie.

brown sugar cookies

matt and i really like chocolate chip cookies without the chocolate chips in them... brown sugar cookies, i think they are called or they should be called. so lately i have been making a ton of brown sugar cookies, looking for the perfect recipe. the hard part is, is that it is very difficult to compare cookies when you aren't sampling them at the same time. we will probably be sampling new recipes for the rest of our lives. i just tried a new recipe that i found on this foodie blog... 

the lady that writes it is pretty funny (sometimes a potty mouth though!) and really informative and she tells you how to make all the meals into baby food, if you are into that. she also has a cookbook coming out in january with tips for parents on cooking. so... i recommend you check her out. or not. it's up to you really. 

oh, and here is the chocolate chip cookie recipe... also, if you have a good chocolate chip cookie recipe... i want to hear about it! i really do. 

umbrella stroller

look who started riding in his big guy umbrella stroller! also, we went to juanita beach park which is about 5 seconds from our house and just reopened. b hated the water, but liked the walking around. too bad it was incredibly hot out... like 85 degrees! how in the heck did i ever survive in las vegas? it was a slurpee emergency kind of day. also, isn't b so funny in his trendy purple american apparel tanktop from aunt saige?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

photo wall

i finally updated my photo wall to include the newest family members and friends. and by updated i mean, i replaced almost every single picture. although i was excited with the new pics, i was a little sad to take down some of the old photos and replace the memories. i told matt that i kind of wanted to just leave the old wall the way it was and start a new photo wall in another room of the house. he thought that would be too much photo wall. i think that if left to my own devices, i could easily become a black frame photo wall hoarder. eep. that's not what i want, right? really, i love photos. they are my favorite. i think there is definitely a little bit of my mom coming through with my photo obsession and i'm okay with that. as long as it doesn't take over my whole house. i know that would be crazy. good thing matt is here to remind me though, just in case i forget.


here is the banana attempt. same old story, but with a few new faces. papa and uhr oma attempted the first banana meal. he did okay... i guess. hmm, he has to give in eventually, right?

nelly and beck

penelope came over for a little date while my family was here because they wanted to see margaret and meet her babe. i met margaret in third grade, so of course my whole fam knows her! we did a tiny photo shoot and penelope was a little adorable, perfect tiny person and beckett was... um, slightly more animated during her visit. beckett crashed for over three hours right after these photos were taken! in conclusion... how cute is penelope in these pictures?!

a tiny drinker

beckett loves some good redhook*, but boy does it knock him out. 

*this bottle was of course emptied (by matt), cleaned, and filled with water. no need to worry about our parenting skills! not for this circumstance, anyways. hehehe...

a family visit!

so... this past week we had a fun visit with my dad, my oma, and my uncle jack. now better known as papa, uhr oma, and... still uncle jack. they made the trek up all the way from santa monica, by car! luckily, my uncle drives like a maniac, so they made crazy good time on the 20 hour trip. this was my oma's first trip to the northwest and her first visit to my home. we were really excited to have them up here and wanted to show my oma some of the seattle sites, although i'm sure she was more interested in hanging out with beckett, but really, who can blame her? he is a pretty fun time. we did manage to spend a little time at pike market, in madison park, in downtown kirkland, and we even checked out arenanet (matt's work) and dizzy's bus stop (saige's work). this was also the first time my dad had gotten to see b since he was born... so we had lots of good beckett time. and beckett was pretty good, even though a 3rd tooth popped up today! he is a tooth growing maniac! check out a few pics from our visit below. we hope everyone had a good time, and decides to come visit again!


last week beckett tried oatmeal. it went as well as everything else we have tried. i only got a few crappy iphone pics because i fed him while matt was at work and it is tricky to feed and document alone. if any of you parents have tips on how to get bad eaters to be... not bad eaters, i'm all ears!