
Friday, June 29, 2012

fifty stupid shades

so, i've been terrible about reading... my new years resolution is out the window, but saige got me a kindle for my bday (i could do a whole post on my feelings about e-readers, but that's for another day friends) and i'm trying to get back on reading track. my first kindle book was the much discussed "mommy porn" fifty shades of grey. well, i could give you fifty reasons why i hated this book. it is the worst book that i have read in a long, long time. why in the world has this book gotten so much attention? anyways... below is my review (really just some thoughts), there might be spoilers... i don't know, there is no real plot, so it doesn't really matter. 

let me start by telling you my biggest book pet peeve... when authors don't take the time to learn about their own characters. if you are going to write a book about a 40 year old married woman in the 1970's... then you better go talk with someone who fits that profile. this book takes place in 2011, and the main character is in her early twenties, about to graduate from college. but she doesn't talk like that... and she doesn't act like that... and she doesn't have an email address!!! you can not even be enrolled in college without an email address. this is the main character of the book! do ten seconds of research on current day college grads. go hang out with a college aged person... and realize how off your character is and fix it! 

so... the sex scenes. yes, so scandalous. i guess. except... if you have read one of them, you have read them all. they seriously felt copied and pasted. by the end of the book, i just felt annoyed that they were having sex AGAIN and doing nothing to move the plot forward. 

i feel so nervous for teen girls reading this book. what is going on lately with these weak girls obsessed with their male counterpart in totally unhealthy ways? if you thought twilight was bad... this is one million times worse. maybe one billion. the male lead is a total creeper and the girl (who goes into this wacko relationship a prudie mcpruderson virgin) just takes the crazy. she can't look him in the eyes during sex, or touch him, or use his name... oh, and he hits her. so, that's good. i haven't read the other two books in this series, but i am willing to wager that the creeper is going to be changed by the girl... because he loves her so much. um, that does not happen in real life. if your boyfriend hits you because it makes him feel good... that's bad. very bad. just writing this down is making me feel stressed about it. again... why do people like this book?!

i feel like everybody i know who has read this book, thought it was good. i disagree. i wouldn't recommend it. i know people are going to read this and go read the book because of what i wrote. that's okay... tell me what you think. i really am interested. also, somebody tell me how the series ends because i seriously can't deal with two more books. oh! also the author never uses appropriate terms for genitals. she calls it her "sex". really? in an erotica novel? just... it's too much. 

Monday, June 25, 2012

father's day

since we spent father's day in reno and i was not super prepared for it, we had a belated father's day this sunday. i got up and made matt breakfast. he requested an omelette which turned out to be a poor choice because i am not good at making omelettes. really, how do you keep the egg from overcooking on the outside without being undercooked on the inside? somebody please explain this to me. anyways, matt ate it all because he is a good husband. then we went to the farm/park that matt loves. sometimes i think matt should have been a veterinarian. beckett loves the animals too, and he got nipped on the finger by a teenage chicken, which he did not appreciate and had a weird stand off with a turkey. matt picked to have a banh mi for dinner and he had his first ever bubble tea. bubble tea grosses me out. i would not try it, but beckett did. beckett picked out a nice wallet for his dad as a gift and we ended the night with an ice cream date after beckett went to bed. happy father's day to matt. beckett and i feel very lucky to have matt in our lives. he is really a super great wonderful dad, but that is no surprise to me... i did pick him to be my baby daddy!

happy father's day matt!

iphone life two

i have lots of phone pictures to post again... so i am going to post them. it's happening. right now!

couch nap... this is pretty unusual

if i look away for two seconds...

jane and grace at their ballet performance! 

ahh! donut face!

donut aftermath...

his own seat on the way to reno...

sarah looking out for her hubby

ready to party on the dance floor

showing off her new jewelry ;)

bridesmaid dress!

beckett and jordyn checking out some dogs

just programming a massage for himself

"too many tickles, dad!"

wedding program!

not the best seat for flying home

do you like her piano playing outfit?

he's very talented... i'll post a video

cleaning the kitchen, such a hard worker

relaxing after all the cleaning...

let's be honest... i could probably make counterfeit money

starbucks and cake pops...yum

parky park

just a park date with jane and beckett. we found a tree filled path and decided to go check things out. i asked jane what she thought was down the path and she said, "probably bears, but don't worry i can handle them." really? i didn't feel super confident about that. luckily, no bears down the path. just a small fluffy white dog. beckett also had a small time out. i photographed it. he was not a fan. grace is done with school tomorrow and then we can really start having some summer time fun! yay!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

random reno

here are a few more random pictures from reno that need to be seen, but don't fit in another post. :)

hanging out with yiayia at breakfast

it takes a lot of peeps to pull a wedding together!

strawberry date with second cousin, olivia

"watching aunt kate and uncle zac open gifts is not the most fun, at least i have this cookie..."

 b wished he had a matching shirt...

 we were on vacation... no time to help beckett, so he had to learn to cut his own food

little sleep sack, bed head

b has crazy eyes while he brushes his hair!