
Saturday, September 29, 2012

grandpa and grandma visit!

matt's dad and step mom came up for a long weekend to see cutie face beckett (and us too) and we had a fun time visiting with them. they took beckett on friday while matt and i worked, on a fun park date and b loved it. we took them to meet the baker babies and they were overwhelmed by the craziness and adorableness that is four babies. they let matt and i go on a date (woo!) and we all went on a day trip to olympia to hang out with zac's family and eat a delicious dinner. thanks for coming to visit us, grandma and grandpa... come back soon!

Friday, September 28, 2012

imagine children's museum

some time in the past (the days are running together in my brain) beckett, jane, and i met penelope and margaret at the children's museum in everett. it is a seriously cute place. it is also super clean and organized, which beckett obviously does not care about and i obviously do. there are a million activities and mostly all three kids enjoyed each one. there is a pretend theater, restaurant, vet clinic, farm, airplane, and firestation, plus a huge water area and train table and these cool air tube things, and a tree house, and light room, and music room, and stuff i am forgetting because it was awhile ago and stuff we didn't make it to. i would highly recommend it. beckett, jane, and penelope loved it and i think if grace had ditched school and come she would have liked it too. thanks for the really super fun play date penelope and margaret, we for surely will have to visit again. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

iphone life six

i know... close together, but i'm way behind in picture posting and i have to do better to keep up because what if i did something super crazy like... um... left my iphone on the roof of my car and then drove away and then shockingly, when i got to my new location... no iphone! and lots of pictures could be lost or something. maybe not that scenario exactly, but you know, something very similar. 

ready to camp! kind of...

my sweetest boy

matt was all packed up for texas

oh... a cat...

chihuahuas are the weirdest

my weekend dinner date, such a gent

so very sleepy

harper is two!

last, last weekend harper celebrated her second birthday with an elmo themed party. beckett loved it, he like every other toddler in the history of toddlers loves elmo. what is it about that guy? also, google image the voice of elmo... you'll be surprised. anyways, harper is a very dear friend of beckett's and he was so happy to be able to help her celebrate her big day twice. harper is such a fun, quirky, cute little lady and wish her the happiest of second years!

harper's party last year...