
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

st edward state beach

you guys. washington is the most beautiful place in the history of ever. seriously. usually summer time is not my favorite time in washington because i'm crazy it gets too hot and stuff starts to look pretty dead-ish, but then we bought a state park pass and went to st. edward beach (which is like... 2 miles from our house!) and i was reminded that it is really still so nice here in the summer. the trail down was crazy lovely. the beach was crazy lovely. matt and b picked blackberries. ahhhh... i am seriously crushing on my state right now. also, beckett is adorable. and matt ain't bad either. woooo. 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

bible study

man oh man, i sure do love these bible study kiddos and their moms (and nanny)! blessed to have you all in our lives!

Friday, July 26, 2013

relaxation week

make something monday: homemade facial masks
 oatmeal yogurt mask

time to read tuesday: free book
what is more relaxing than curling up with a good book that you chose? the answer is nothing. 

we're going out wednesday: lynnwood rec center pool
so, in general i find swimming to be a relaxing activity, but this pool area was pretty crazy and not relaxing, but that's okay.

that's delicious thursday: zucchini bread
i think relaxing food is the same as spa food, which is usually healthy food. and zucchini is pretty healthy. also, this is a paula deen recipe with NO butter. what?! hmm... recipe

fun outside friday: 132nd square park
this park has a stone area for foot reflexology. how relaxing.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

kyle and vickie visit

our friends from college, kyle and vickie were passing through washington on their way to canada and we got to meet up with them for dinner. matt and kyle lived on the same dorm floor freshman year of college and were roommates their sophomore, junior, and senior years. so... that's a lot of living together. kyle was in our wedding and i thiiiink he didn't start dating vickie until after matt and i were married. is this true? i can't remember. i'm old. anyways, kyle and vickie got married last year, but sadly we missed the wedding because it was the same day as kate and zac's wedding. wedding twins! it was good to see them, even for just a bit and probably we should take a trip to visit them in colorado. soon and very soon. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

saige's bday re-do

saige was out of town for her birthday, so we did a birthday do over the next weekend. a lot of saige's life revolves around her food choices... so a lot of the day revolved around food. except we searched everywhere for artichokes and could not find them anywhere! and they were going to accompany the slow cooker tacos and mozzarella sticks perfectly! alas, what could be done? we also went to waverly beach park... to get our beach on. i don't know why i typed that. sorry. anyway, we are so happy to get to celebrate a late birthday with saige... who is for surely feeling 22.

happy birthday baby saige! we heart you.