
Saturday, August 31, 2013

they fly

misty bought brian an indoor skydiving session for two for his birthday and decided that maybe she wouldn't mind if somebody besides her took the second spot. matt was happy to volunteer. so we trekked down to renton one evening to watch the boys do some indoor flying. they had a fun time and afterwards we went out for a late dinner. it was really late. like...8:30 when we sat down to eat. the baker babies (umm... toddlers?!) did so well at dinner, considering they would have normally already been in bed for an hour. so well. it was a delight to have dinner with them. they are the cutest. and they got their very first restaurant meal off the kids menu, so it was a pretty big deal. i guess skydiving is a big deal too. big night for everyone. 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


oh friends, the deep shame i feel when i get so behind in blogging, it's tragic. i considered just skipping the month of september... like it didn't exist, but some important stuff happened, so, blog i must. here are some pictures of an ice cream festival we went to by the kreitlow's house. it was about a million years ago. casper babypants was performing, and his songs are just good... check him out. also, he is the lead singer of the presidents of the united states and randomly just does kids shows around seattle when he feels like it. and nobody realizes who he is, but we knew, oh we knew. also, we ate ice cream and donuts and pet some alpacas. then we went to the kreitlows and ate a cake whitney had made. it was a healthy, fun day... overall. 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

hello big boy bed!

this pirate face is ready for his last crib sleep!

um... this is his serious face.

faking much? (so many babies!)

so long crib, hello bed!

ready for the reveal...

yes! new bed!!!

"okay, goodnight guys..."

a succesful night... good morning!

so far, so good on the new bed. i LOVE this craigslist bed we scored (it's the pottery barn kids camp bed) and i have BIG plans for beckett's new big kid room. slow and steady wins the race, though... since matt won't let me spend a bajillion dollars getting everything at once. the land of nod urban lumberjack sheets are on their way, though! eeeep! they are too much. i do love having a crazy-haired little person burst through our bedroom door in the morning, with a happy "good morning guys!" it's a good way to start the day.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

transportation week!

make something monday: polka dot transportation
i found the polka dot art idea on pinterest (you are shocked), but the blog is in spanish. it's okay though... the pictures are enough or you can have crazy google translate it for you. anyways, you just make a picture using ink pads and erasers on the end of pencils. i found silhouette photos online for the kids transportation choices (an airplane, rocket, and hot air balloon) and printed and cut them out. then we traced them onto card stock and polka dotted inside the tracing. it's pretty easy and cute.

time to read tuesday: transportation books
there are a lot of forms of transportation. a lot. think about it.

we're going out wednesday: the museum of flight
the museum of flight isn't exactly my cup of tea, but there are some pretty cool things there. you can take a tour of nixon and kennedy's (and some other presidents) air force one. and go inside a replica rocket ship. where astronauts sleep is terrifying by the way, as if that job isn't already the scariest. 

that's delicious thursday: sugar cookie trucks
the pinterest recipe below is a cookie dough recipe that doesn't spread or grow too much, so it is a goodie for making cookies in shapes. like trucks. 

fun outside friday: meridian playground
so, i originally planned on taking the kids to a park in bainbridge, so we could take a ferry there, but then that started to feel like a crazy excursion. so we went to a park in seattle... and we took a bridge there, so that's something. plus, we went shopping at u-village.