
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

penelope is three!

we went to celebrate penelope's birthday and her third year of life! she had a minnie mouse themed party because the day after her party, she flew to disneyland! so lucky, right?! i felt jealous. penelope got lots of minnie mouse things and lots of art supplies for her birthday. penelope is a crazy advanced artist. she can totally color in the lines and draw people and copy images, it's a little bit insane. penelope is switching preschools next month and will be going to school with beckett and harper (yay! we're so excited!) and i'm sure the teachers will say something about her art skills like... on the first day! anyways, beckett had a fun time celebrating penelope (we love that penelope's bday is so close to beckett's) and eating cupcakes. i may have had four cupcakes. i'm gross. happy birthday sweet penelope, three looks great on you!  

Sunday, January 26, 2014

mackenzie is two!

natasha is a nanny for a family with as of very recently two little girls, and we were invited to help celebrate their older daughter, mackenzie's birthday with her. mackenzie was invited to beckett's party, but ended up not making it because her mom was busy... having a baby. we got to meet sweet, tiny baby avery at the party too! also, mackenzie's mom and dad! mackenzie's mom is named moira, which is my top girl name choice for a baby, BUT yet again, my girl names are worthless this time around.  mackenzie and beckett have lots of playdates and get along pretty well. they have almost the exact same hair color... and kind of look like maybe they could be siblings, but that would have been two babies pretty darn close together. mackenzie is a very cute little person (am i biased because she looks like a girl version of my child? ...maybe). happy second birthday to mackenzie, thanks for inviting us to the party, two looks great on you!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

disney junior... live!

margaret, lonnie, and i took penelope, harper, and beckett on a big mommy... toddler? date. we went to see the disney junior live princess and pirate adventure, featuring the characters from sophia the first and jake and the neverland pirates. also, mickey and minnie were there and beckett almost died over it. the show is silly expensive for tickets and it's even more silly expensive to buy souvenirs there, but the kids liked it a lot. and that is all that matters? since margaret, lonnie, and i all apparently smoked crack before we got there, we all got our kids the extremely messy, over-filled, $1000 snow cone cups. it was a poor choice, i know that now. the show was actually really, pretty good. disney usually does a good job with stuff and this was no exception. beckett loved it. he thought we were going to be watching a movie when i tried explaining it to him, so it was pretty exciting when he saw it was live. he for sure liked jake more than sofia, but it was all good. also, the show was during the seahawk playoff game, so pretty much every little boy there was dressed just like beckett. ack! stressful. 

Monday, January 20, 2014


over the weekend matt took beckett bowling for the first time. i guess i don't have a lot to say about this. beckett liked it. i can't think of the last time i personally went bowling. maybe not since we lived in reno? this is strange because i'm an excellent bowler. (i'm lying.)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

3 year check up

beckett had his 3 year check up on the 16th and it went mostly well. when we showed up at the doctor's office i went to check beckett in and matt and b went to the waiting area. beckett immediatly tripped on (mystery thing?) and slammed his head into a metal table leg. it made the most gigantic goose egg in about half a second. it's a real miracle that it didn't break the skin and was surely the biggest injury he has had in his short life. so... we were already conveniently at the doctor, and it was fine, but it did not make for the happiest tiny patient during the visit. otherwise the visit was routine and everything was all good. a new thing for this visit was an eye exam! the eye chart had shapes on it and beckett kept saying to the nurse, "i will tell you that shape, but i need to get a liiiiiittle closer maybe." when she would tell him he couldn't move, he would just say, "okay... a triangle?" to be honest, i couldn't see the bottom two rows either. they were so tiny. or maybe i need to go to the optometrist... and take beckett with me. we'll see about that. beckett thought doctor lucy was the funniest, especially when she checked his ears for dinosaurs. he asked her if she found any dinosaur poop in there. boys are gross. 

height: 39 inches 74%
weight: 33 pounds 60%