
Monday, July 21, 2014

saige is twenty three!

"...and that's about the time she walked away from me, nobody likes you when you're twenty threeeeeee..." just kidding. blink 182 don't know what they're saying, we still like saige. even though she is getting seriously up there in years. please ignore that i am her reverse age. gah. we went to the park for saige's birthday and had taco truck tacos with her favorite people. pretty low key. pretty nice. the end. here are four thousand pictures...

are you impressed with this cake?! saige pinned it. i copied it.

we made strawberry mojitos... shh, no alcohol is allowed at the park, keep it on the down low. they were the most delicious.

saige is pretty bad about taking pictures (she is actually getting a tad better), so i have to take pictures of her and marcello (and sometimes holly) so they will exist in this world.

don't be jealous, holly's boyfriend...

beckett was super into marcello. like, it was creepy.

i'm going to post this picture because it's cute... but i kind of hate it. saige looks like me, so we can assume that saige would have children that look similar to my children... so this picture looks like a family photo. and it gives me the heebie jeebies.

happy birthday baby saige! we love you!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

heath hits the pool

once heath hit two months, he was totally jonesin' for some nice pool time, and who were we to say no? really, we decided to take a little family trip to the crazy lynnwood pool for beckett and figured heath might like a dip too. he was pretty neutral about it. so... a few photo comments. in the first picture it looks like heath is relaxing against a pair of crossed legs. that is actually one leg and an arm... don't be alarmed. also, please notice the intensity that is matt's farmer tan. thanks.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

the great wheel

before the thelens left we went on a family date out to dinner and to do the seattle great wheel. the great wheel is a giant wheel that sits over the water and you go around in a little enclosed cart thing. beckett loved it. matt and heath were neutral. i am proud to say, i did not have a panic attack... i only considered it. i don't know why rides like this freak me out so much, but they do. don't even get me started on the one at california adventure. it's like a metal cage of death. anyways, it was nice to have some thelen time and i took some terrible pictures... my camera is no beuno in the dark. 

family selfies are hard. also... heath's face?! ha!

Friday, July 18, 2014

2 month check up

heath's two month checkup went great. the thelen's were in town for it and jenni and coen used to go to dr. lucy too, so they came along to say hi. it was a little hectic and lucy kicked everyone out after a bit, but i'm sure she loved seeing her old patients. heath got shots, but the nurse was so quicky quick and he did fine. lucy thinks heath is the happiest and cutest and of course healthy too!

height: 23.25 inches 59%
weight: 13 pounds 3 ounces 69%
head: 16.3 inches 96%

Thursday, July 17, 2014

just keep swimming

i signed beckett up for swimming lessons and had high hopes, but they were quickly dashed. after six weeks of lessons (five days a week!) he made little progress and actually mostly hated it. he would list off all the things he was not going to participate in while we drove to lessons. "i do NOT want to do bobs today. i do NOT want to do back floats. i do NOT want to blow bubbles." ha. delightful. and no amount of ice cream bribery could persuade him otherwise. so, after 3 sessions, we threw in the towel. it's fine... there is always next year. lots of friends cycled through the swimming lessons too. here are many pictures. really... it's a lot.