
Sunday, September 28, 2014

beckett's room

about a year and a half ago, beckett transitioned from his crib to a big guy bed... and i slowly, slowly started to transition his room into a big guy room too. it is such a work in progress because all the things cost all the money, blarg, but things are coming along and i thought i would do an update. i based his whole room off of a set of sheets at the land of nod from the urban lumberjack collection. i always say i'm not a big them-ie person, but maybe i am lying to myself and i am. i think i am just picky about what themes i find acceptable? i dunno. so here are the sheets...

the land of nod is pretty pricey and i love the wood-looking quilt that goes with this set, but that is for another day, friends. i did buy the alphabet monogrammed pillow from land of nod and a matching one for heath because one day these boys will share a room and will need all the matching things! his bed is the pottery barn kids camp bed in navy, that i wanted with all my heart, but was over $1000 with a mattress. i swear pottery barn, who do you think you are? and then one day, like a gift from the heavens, the exact bed showed up on craigslist for a quarter of the price! now i just need a second miracle, so heath can have a matching bed too one day! i kept beckett's united states map above his bed. it needs updating... i am ashamed, pretend there are more flags. 

beckett's nightstand is an old file cabinet that i got for $10. we spray painted it yellow and i love it. the top drawer has buckets with socks, underwear, and mittens and the bottom drawer has sooo many legos in it. beckett figured out opening and closing it right away with the little tabs and it has worked really great for us. 

a few things stayed the same in his room. his progression pictures are still above his bed and his framed book pictures are up by the closet. these little gems are so cheap and easy to make and super cute. i bought ikea frames and bought the most trashed version of popular kids books that i could find at half priced books. that way the books are cheap and you don't feel guilty cutting pictures out of them. then you just frame the pics and hang them up. easy peasy.  

i wanted a woodland creature pillow for beckett's chair, but i wanted it to be realistic and i found this guy at pottery barn. it wasn't worth the money, but i had a gift card and i do love it. i think it was made to go on outdoor furniture. whatevs.

beckett's bookshelf was upright, but we turned it on it's side for safety and better accessibility. i actually like it much better on it's side. it gives you a lot more surface space on top to decorate things and brings the whole room down to beckett's level. 

the main back wall got lots of fun new stuff. i bought the beckett letters as decor for beckett's birthday and i mixed things up by putting them up vertically, which is fun. i bought a small ikea photo ledge for books we are currently into. i got a bulletin board that just has pictures and artwork and whatever and gets updated regularly (or when i remember. ha!)
i got a mounted fox head that i found at ross and there is also a stag in the set, but i can NOT for the life of me find it! if somebody out there finds one... for all that is good, inform me of its whereabouts. i also made some simple prints of alphabet letters. i made three, so i used beckett's initials. there are still holes to fill in. i would love a print that is a star chart or has constellations on it, but i haven't found the perfect one yet. 

beckett's moroccan lanters got replaced with camping lanterns! they continue to be one of my favorite things in the room.

that is pretty much it. we put a b on beckett's door and a h on heath's. i love in the evening when i walk upstairs to go to bed and both their doors are shut and i see the letters and i know there are two sweet boys behind those doors, cozy and sleeping. 

planning and decorating rooms for kids is probably my favorite part of home decorating. why is it so fun? why?! b doesn't really spend all that much time in his room, aside from sleeping, but when he does hang out in there while i am doing laundry or something and i walk by and see him just being a little kid in his little kid room with his little kid things, i pretty much die. it's too much for my heart. 

Friday, September 26, 2014

pirate day

country village had a pirate day and every kid got a pirate map and went to the marked stores where they got small prizes and when they finished up they got a pirate shirt. i thought it might be weird to dress b up like a pirate, but we happened to have a pirate costume (from gianna way back when) and in the end, the kids that weren't dressed up seemed like the oddballs. why do so many people own pirate costumes for their kids? please notice how penelope is dressed like jake from jake and the neverland pirates. don't you love her hair? also notice how margaret is wearing shorts. dear lord... it is late september, why is this hot weather still happening?! oh well. country village is super weird and i super love it. 

Monday, September 22, 2014

4 month check up

heath's four month check up went pretty well. we learned he is incredibly short and now i have a tiny little fear, that he is going to have matt's build and my height and be shaped like a cube. at least he will be the cutest cube you ever did see. he had to get more shots and this time a resident came to do them and i think they might have been the first shots he had ever given a baby. i kind of wanted to tell him that i totally understand that he has to start somewhere, but that somewhere just can't be my kid. i didn't though... and he was slower than i would have liked, but other than that it was fine. heath is totally easy at the doctor and is just right on track. he is the most precious and we love his face!

height: 24 inches 3%!!!
weight: 15 pounds 10 ounces 43%
head: 17.5 inches 98%

Friday, September 19, 2014

random reno

here are some random reno cousin pictures, that are important for you to see! 

the lake at papou and yiayia's new house

matt and kate took beckett and clayton to play at the park and i just now noticed when downloading these pictures that beckett is barefoot like some hillbilly child. delightful. matt... kate... an explanation for this? 

getting ready to run through the sprinklers. first he loses the shoes... now this?

we also all went to check out the university because it's been TEN years and a lot of stuff has changed. i have a very special place in my heart for unr. even though i have never technically used my degree in elementary education,my college years totally shaped my future life. so many of the most important people i know today, i met in college. the school is looking really great... it has a beautiful new library and student union. my only regret is that i left my wallet at home... with my old student id... with so much advantage cash still on it. i assume that stuff never expires? anyways, we took the boys to play at the quad, where my college graduation was held, and i sat and reminisced about some of the best times and it was nice.