
Sunday, November 30, 2014

potato, carrot, and blueberry

well yeah, more food. this time there was something he was not in love with. potatoes were not his favorite, but they were just totally plain. just pureed with nothing added and i also thought they were a little gross. since then he has had potato soup (that had a whole onion in it and lots of seasonings) and he thought that was super delicious. he just does not enjoy bland food, but really, who does? monsters maybe. 




Saturday, November 29, 2014

we give thanks

besides starting the day with a treasure hunt, our thanksgiving was very low key. we still made all the thanksgiving regulars because we aren't crazy people and had john over for dinner. saige didn't come over because she hates us. just kidding. she celebrated thanksgiving in chicago with marcello. anyways, per the usual we have much to be thankful for. our health, our home, our family, our friends, and mini pecan pies. happy thanksgiving! 

Friday, November 28, 2014

treasure hunt!

matt decided for a thanksgiving tradition, he wanted to do a pirate's treasure hunt for the boys. he made a treasure map and rhyme for beckett to find in the morning and off they went. luckily, beckett was appropriately dressed in pirate jammies. that may or may not have been intentional. ha. they followed the clues around the neighborhood to eventually find the X and dig up the treasure. is matt like the most fun dad you know or what?

prepping the night before...

beckett found the map in the morning and was kind of confused, but still enthusiastic. i think next year he will be all over it.

the first clue was at the fire hydrant... which beckett thinks looks like a little robot. 

then back to the watering can by our house.

next, to the mailboxes!

the wood gate was after that. the sneaky pirate sent them on a real wild goose chase.

almost done... just on to where a disgustingly gigantic spider lives, that matt and beckett like to look at. 

now to the x! which was under our patio, where beckett tragically lost a very tiny jaguar toy a long time ago. he knew right where to go though because a beckett never forgets.

yo ho ho success! what a fun way to start a day of giving thanks. i am thankful for traditions, treasure hunts, and my three sweet guys. the tiniest guy slept through the treasure hunt this year, but next year i'm sure he'll rally.