
Sunday, May 31, 2015

cousin clayton comes to town!

kate was up in washington for a bachelorette party and came a few days early with clay so we could have some fun cousin time. clay and heath are only two weeks apart in age (i'm sure you know that) and that is really a negligible amount at this point. except that clayton towers over heath and is significantly heavier! developmentally they are very similar though, and they are starting to actually adorably play together a little bit. beckett also loved having clay around. i thought he might feel a little left out being the solo big guy, but he just only had a thousand hugs to give out and thought the "babies" were so cute. i do LOVE seeing these cousins play together and i do HATE the distance between us. thanks for coming to visit guys... we loved having you!

these boys were quite the bathtub trouble makers. they thought throwing things out of the tub was the most funny and eventually clay just penguin belly slid himself right out of the tub. beckett had no interest in getting in this tub. he took a shower in the other bathroom because he is a teenager. 

we took the boys to a beach park, which was a super fun idea in theory. in practice... it got complicated. you'll notice a lack of actual beach pictures. we survived and lesson learned. ha!

they eat together at the head of the table, of course!

clayton wakes up and has breakfast way before heath, so by the time heath was having breakfast... clayton just really needed heath to share with him. these pictures show the scenario play out pretty accurately. ohmygosh, these boys!

one final park trip before clay headed to olympia for some grandparent time. do you like our weird obsession with putting the boys in matching clothes? i do. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

adelè is one!

we celebrated adelè's first birthday last weekend. heath and adelè are only two weeks apart in age and it has been so fun to see these two babes grow up together for their first year of life. adelè is significantly taller than heath (it must be the two weeks she has on him) and she just started taking some steps. she is pretty quiet, but clearly always observing with her giant disney princess eyes. she is a sneaky little mess maker and an all around good time. we had a fun time celebrating her and eating delicious raspberry cake. so, posing babies on a couch for pictures is ridiculously tricky, but we gave it our best shot. here are too many pics... i can't stop... i won't stop.

happy birthday adelè mae! one looks good on you!