
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

iphone life

as crazy as i am about always remembering my camera and documenting everything, i also take a million pictures on my iphone. and i rarely do anything with them. here are some pictures from the last few weeks through the eyes of my phone. 

tulip festival... he loves a good stick

stripped down after the mud mishap

 okay... the haircut was overdue... i can see that now

 sigl's mini house

 stealing fake fruit

a picture of beckett by bella haight

 tiny chair... or giant kid?

enjoying a beer while resting in the fridge

 jammie time in hawaii

 jane puts her baby monitor up too... responsible moms

 hold the cone!

 too cool for school

home depot trip... what!

 eating a hot dog with a ladle on a tiny couch

lipstick application. too much time with the ladies?

 hey, harper!

 little ballerina

 mall pretzels... delish!

 mall boats... love em

 my favorite water baby

 oh you know... a giant stick

 phew... we are worn out!

memorial weekend

we had a pretty chill three day weekend... which was nice. on saturday we went to a new park we found that is very close to our house. it's called rhododendron park and has a million beautiful flowers and we had a picnic and it was almost too warm. almost. matt made pulled pork and beckett had his first pulled pork sandwich and he loved it. which made his dad very happy. on sunday we cleaned and grocery shopped and i worked at the bus stop for a bit (pretty boring, i know). 

on monday we ran some more errands and then i got motivated and peer pressured matt to go with me to ikea! first i rearranged furniture like a crazy person. then we got shelving for all the toys. it was out of control... toys were taking over. and i didn't want to be that person who is overrun with toys in their home. you know... you walk in and you're like... whoa! clearly a kid lives here. but then i decided, whatever. a kid does live here, and we didn't buy all the toys. so, i'm over it. also, i have an expedit problem. it is the cube shelving system from ikea. we have five pieces now. maybe one day we will put them all together and have a library. probably not though. anyways, we are on our way to having an organized play/family/office room and a separate living room. if i could just get a new couch and ottoman table thingee and tv stand and new tv... we would be set. patience, though. my precious cubes are a good first step. i love good organization. it warms my heart. 

 beckett last memorial day!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

tiny measurements

matt and beckett had to get measured for their suits for a very special event coming up, so after b's swimming class we headed over to nordstrom. nordstrom is so fancy and took like 500 measurements (overkill much?) and beckett was of course funny. he stood so still to get measured... like a little robot. and after every measurement he would put his hands up to his mouth and do a little fake awkward laugh. he is a tiny kook. after getting measured we ate at the nordstrom grill, which is conveniently and weirdly in the men's suit department. beckett got his own sippy cup of apple juice with his meal and it was pretty exciting business.