
Tuesday, November 9, 2010

hello my friend, hello

so, i decided to start a blog. mostly because we are having a baby soon and it seems to be the thing to do when you have a baby. i assume once the baby is here i will have hours upon hours of free time that i will fill writing really interesting things that everyone i know will want to read about. i am pretty sure that is how it works. if not, i will just use the blog to post a million pictures of what is sure to be the cutest baby in all of the universe. at least that is what i hope because i think if the baby isn't cute... i'll know. also, i am pretty full of opinions, so that is bound to sneak in here on me. for instance, i could write a whole book on how disgusting i think it is that there is a brand of portable toilets called honey buckets. really? honey buckets? not appropriate.  also also, maybe i will do some book reviews because i really love books and whatevs... it's my blog, i do what i want! also also also, i might have some super amazing guest bloggers, like maybe matt or saige. so, you should probably follow me (does that seem stalkerish to anybody else? just me? okay then.) unless you don't want to. in which case, no pressure.

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