
Friday, December 24, 2010

a room for our new roomie

yes, it is true... i am finally getting around to posting pictures of the nursery. i loved, loved, loved getting to decorate a nursery. baby stuff is too freakin' cute and a whole room of baby stuff... well, it could kill me. i based the room around the caden lane bedding i found, and had to have. in my opinion boy bedding is way harder to pick than girl bedding. boy names are harder to pick too, i don't know why.  it was really more than i should have been spending on bedding, but lucky for me some good friends pitched in and got it for me. yea for good friends! so, the theme is moroccan and i am also kind of into elephants. matt informed me right away that there are actually no wild elephants in morocco (there are goats that live in trees, though... google it!), but i think probably only matt and the people of morocco know that. well, you know now too. so, i love the way the nursery turned out, it is my favorite room in the house and we were oh so blessed to have family purchase almost everything in the room. beckett is very loved,  even as a fetus. and nobody wishes more than me that he was here right NOW to start enjoying his nursery. soon though, very soon.

my inspiration... oh how i love this bedding

love the bookshelf

a cute spot for a not so cute task

 comfy... cozy...

beckett balls!

super baby friendly lanterns

our genious baby will love to read

Saturday, December 18, 2010

hello mister graduate

this week matt became an official college graduate! on wednesday evening at 10 pm, after being in college (at least part of the time) for 10 years, he submitted his last paper for his undergraduate degree. pretty much he doesn't know what to do with his life now! maybe help raise a child or something. matt got his degree in computer something or other (i really don't understand it, this blog is as tech savvy as i get) from the university of washington. he says he is never going back to school, but i think we should give him a few weeks at home with me and my out of control nesting and cleaning obsessiveness and we'll see how he feels. he'll probably be enrolled in a masters program by this spring! i kid, i kid. i am so proud of him, and his efforts are already being rewarded since he was just promoted at work to a full time game designer... a job he is for reals loving. could this be a more exciting time in matt's life? a new degree, a new job, and a new baby. i think not! he is a superstar!

Friday, December 10, 2010

oh baby, it's shower time

it's raining baby items, hallelujah, it's raining baby items! on december 4th i had my baby shower and it was just glorious. everything was adorable and perfect (although i would expect nothing less from my hostesses). the party was thrown at jennifer sigl's home and it had a vintage toy theme. there was a milk and cookie bar, which was extra perfect for me because cookies are delicious and milk is pretty much the only thing that helps my heartburn. side note... i had never experienced heartburn until i got pregnant and i seriously thought i was having a heart attack. pregnancy symptoms are no joke, people. anyway, everything was fun and cute and personalized and i got lots of good baby gear. a big thanks to everyone who sent gifts and to the people who came to help celebrate beckett. an extra big thanks (that's right... extra big) to my hostesses, jenni, allie, misty, and lonnie for making my baby shower dreams a reality. is it weird that even after my own baby shower, i am still having trouble wrapping my brain around the fact that there is an actual human in my belly?! wowzas.

mmm... cookie bar... nom nom nom

are the prizes in cracker jacks still crazy? the answer is yes.

the food was delish. oh, lunch meat... how i miss you. soon we will reunite.

do you love the beckett balls? i do... they are in his room now. 

beckett soda. my baby is an entrepreneur from the womb. it's impressive.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

oh, shooooooooot. maternity pictures

matt and i had the privilege of having our maternity pictures done by our good friend, nick dunne. we went to madison park in seattle (if we won the lottery we would immediately move there because it is so adorable i could just die). i was a little nervous about how the pictures would turn out because as well as gaining a huge amount of weight in my stomach, i am also starting to get pretty chubby in the face area. also, matt has not cut his hair since i got pregnant... check out his flowing locks! in the end, i thought they turned out amazing and i couldn't be happier. i haven't loved every second of this pregnancy (and i can not relate to the women that do), but the pictures will be a great way to remember this significant part of our lives. i highly, highly recommend nick (check out nicholas dunne photography on facebook) and i think you should probably use him for all your picture needs.