
Friday, December 24, 2010

a room for our new roomie

yes, it is true... i am finally getting around to posting pictures of the nursery. i loved, loved, loved getting to decorate a nursery. baby stuff is too freakin' cute and a whole room of baby stuff... well, it could kill me. i based the room around the caden lane bedding i found, and had to have. in my opinion boy bedding is way harder to pick than girl bedding. boy names are harder to pick too, i don't know why.  it was really more than i should have been spending on bedding, but lucky for me some good friends pitched in and got it for me. yea for good friends! so, the theme is moroccan and i am also kind of into elephants. matt informed me right away that there are actually no wild elephants in morocco (there are goats that live in trees, though... google it!), but i think probably only matt and the people of morocco know that. well, you know now too. so, i love the way the nursery turned out, it is my favorite room in the house and we were oh so blessed to have family purchase almost everything in the room. beckett is very loved,  even as a fetus. and nobody wishes more than me that he was here right NOW to start enjoying his nursery. soon though, very soon.

my inspiration... oh how i love this bedding

love the bookshelf

a cute spot for a not so cute task

 comfy... cozy...

beckett balls!

super baby friendly lanterns

our genious baby will love to read


  1. LOVE the nursery! Where did you get the crib and furniture? We are looking now too :)

  2. Love your nursery! And now you have a little one to place in it :) Cannot wait to see him in person. Congratulations you two!!
