
Monday, January 17, 2011

sittin'... waitin'... wishin'

oh, the waiting room. beckett had no shortage of friends and family awaiting his arrival just outside the door of our hospital room. of course in typical new baby fashion, beckett army crawled his way out (matt and i watched a show on babies being born and it literally looks like they are army crawling out of the birth canal!) in the middle of the night. so, his welcome party was quite the rager... lasting all night and into the morning.

aren't they a lovely group? beckett was thrilled (sleepy, but thrilled) to meet each and every one of these special people and matt and i felt very blessed to have so much support at the hospital and help coming home. i can't believe that there are single mothers out there that bring babies into the world all alone. i could hardly do it without a team of ten. a big fat "i can't thank you enough" to everyone who traveled, and bought stuff, and visited, and lost sleep, and cleaned, and held a sleeping baby. i owe you my first born... or not!  

 b and his yiayia

 b and his papa

 b and his grandpa and grandma

 b and his aunt saige

 b and his bestie jenni

b and his friend-o misty

1 comment:

  1. 2nd best all-nighter i have ever pulled. 1st of course being, my own labor. meeting beckett made the long night worth every single minute.
