
Monday, January 31, 2011

welcome to the planet, penelope jean

i met margaret (you probably call her margaux, BUT that is not really her name) in third grade. even at the young age of nine, margaret was really into going to college and having a career and helping out the advancement of women. yes, it's true... she was a teeny tiny feminist. i, on the other hand, had big plans to get married young and have a million kids that i would drive around in my minivan. i told margaret that i was sure we would grow up and have kids together. she said she wasn't sure if she wanted to get married. well, i don't want to come right out and say... what cortney wants, cortney gets, but i will say this...

i am more that thrilled to announce that margaret and her wonderful husband ;) pat, welcomed their daughter, penelope pierce into the world on january 29th. margaret had a looooong labor and was a serious trooper and is looking amazing in the birthing aftermath! might i mention that penelope came a mere three weeks after beckett. they will certainly be lifelong friends. i am so excited to share this next big chapter in our lives, as i always knew we would. congrats to margaret and pat... penelope is really just too cute to handle.

a note for margaret... margaret, i know you said you maybe only wanted one child, but you should accept now that i know the fate of your future better than you do and penelope has siblings in her future for sure! no worries though, you have this mom thing down. 


  1. we now officially know that it WASN'T the wedding hairspray because neither of your babies have red hair. :) yay margaux and penelope! Jan 29th birthdays are THE VERY VERY BEST!!

  2. Steph was right, Penelope is perfection!

    P.S. Margaux may not be her "real" name. But it's the name she chooses to and asks to go by, and I will continue to call her such! ;-)

    Congratulations to you both on your new additions! I hope they continue their friendship the way you and Margs have continued yours.
