
Saturday, May 14, 2011

did you get a haircut? yes... i got them all cut!

i mentioned in an earlier post that matt did not get one single haircut the whole time i was pregnant. since i knew i was pregnant pretty much instantly that means that matt's hair grew from april 2010 to january 2011. why the abstaining from the trim? we have no idea. his hair was getting a little long and as a joke i asked him if he was going to give up haircuts like i had given up precious, precious lunch meats for the baby and he said, "maybe." and that was it... no cutting for him. so, our good friend whitney, who is a really very good hairdresser (i would promote her more, but i really don't know anybody who doesn't already use her) came over one week after beckett was born to give matt his much needed hair update. she also brought us really delicious carnitas and raw cookie dough! i must say... the flowing locks were a fun change, but i prefer the shorter do.

goooo whitney
flock of seagulls?
all done! very nice

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