
Monday, July 11, 2011

beckett kol at 6 months

now that beckett has been on the earth for half a year (it's hard to believe) i thought i would jot down some stuff about him... so i don't forget and lose it forever! when you have a baby you feel like you will remember every moment because everything seems so big and overwhelming, but i can hardly remember holding a newborn baby after six short months! ahh! 

nicknames: b...beck...beezus...b butter...buddah...button...beckworth 

you love music and singing. your favorite songs are the mickey mouse clubhouse song and itsy bitsy spider. you love that spider climbing up the water spout.

you like having books read to you. we read goodnight moon before bed every night and you have started smacking the book in excitement when i am reading. you prefer the color pages to the black and white ones. you also like pat the bunny and any book with pictures of babies in it.

you loooove to see yourself in the mirror. if you are being grumpy, a trip to the mirror almost always cheers you up. you think that baby in the mirror is the most fun ever.

you are getting good at copying sounds. when aunt saige coughs, you fake cough back at her. you blow raspberries a lot and sigh and talk in a squeeky girly voice when you are excited. your little voice is probably the cutest thing i have ever heard. 

you have this funny habit where you tap your heel rhythmically on the knee of the opposite leg. you do it a lot when you are lying down. if you are upset... the taps are really fast! tappa tappa tappa!

you are starting to really love the dogs. just watching them makes you laugh. you are pretty good at giving them pets and only pull their fur sometimes.

you started sleeping in your crib. you usually sleep from midnight until about 10am, getting up once at around 6am to eat. you sleep on your side mostly, squished up to the side. we miss having your sleepy cuddles in bed sometimes, but everybody is sleeping more soundly now.

you are really serious when you play in your excersaucer. you move around slowly focusing on one toy at a time, and you play with each toy aggressively, like it is your job to be in there playing with those toys. your dad calls it your work station... and says you are spending time at the office while you play in it.  

you are getting to be a really good roller and we have to be more careful about putting you on the floor and not watching you closely. the other night you rolled right over to aunt saige's shoe and gave it a lick. gross.

you are generally a happy, content baby. you have a busy body... your hands are always grabbing and the legs are always kicking, and you are so strong. you are usually smiling, and you have a quirky little personality that we love.

we really love you b. you have the cutest face and make the funniest expressions and you really get more fun every day. we can't wait to see what the next six months has in store for us! 

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