
Sunday, July 17, 2011

harry potter

saige's birthday just so happened to coincide with the release of the last harry potter movie. let me just say right now... the movie was great! if you haven't read the harry potter series and seen the movies, that is just craziness. i am already anticipating the day when i can share them with beckett. matt and i have seen every movie together at the midnight show, and the sixth movie actually released on saige's 18th birthday. the last movie release was reason enough to have a party, but we like saige too... so double party. we had a harry potter fiesta for saige at the house before we headed to the movie. really we did a harry potter theme, but had taco cart tacos for dinner because they are oh so delicious. the dunnes, bakers, and john came to celebrate saige (and harry) with us and it was a pretty fun time. 

i made delicious pumpkin pasties and butterbeer. both recipes were pretty successful. also, i need to do a shout out to natasha who came over before the party and helped me make saige's birthday banner and inhaled probably a lot of dangerous paper fumes. the banner looked goooooood though. 

after dinner, we left beckett at the house with his first official babysitters, misty and brian. i seriously felt a little anxious leaving him. i totally trusted misty and she did a great job, but it is hard to leave your baby! geez... what an emotional crybaby mom i am becoming! here is a pic misty sent me from her phone. thanks for taking good care of my b, bakers!

at the theater they made us wait in the garage and it was HOT. blah.

but we got good seats inside and the mears decided to join us for the midnight show too. yay! we saw the movie in 3d and the glasses were harry potter shaped frames. so very clever, huh?

here is saige with her hero, neville, after the movie. late night, but totally worth it of course. we will miss our midnight harry potter outings. 

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