
Saturday, September 24, 2011

hippo teeth!

beckett got all four of his front top teeth at one time... yikes. he actually got through it pretty well. he is really stingy about showing his teeth off, and will clamp his little mouth shut when we try and look in at them. but b was playing with his dad last night and i got some pretty good shots of his hippo teeth. saige started calling them hippo teeth because they are giant and rounded, and i have to agree... quite hippoish. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

a lot of ladies

we had another jane and grace day and met up with harper at the park. beckett has quite the multitude of ladies in his life. to keep it fresh and artsy... here is a little black and white goodness. fancy, i know. i know. ps... i also chose black and white so in years to come i won't remember how disgustingly warm and sunny it was on the wondrous first day of autumn. yes, in the future i am planning on forgetting what shadows mean. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

movin' on up!

yesterday, matt was offered a full time postion at arenanet. yay! if you are confused about how that is different from his contract position at arenanet... let me just tell you. his new position is permanent, so he doesn't have to worry about getting rehired every six months and whether or not his job will be in jeopardy when the game he is working on actually releases. plus, he gets benefits now like paid time off and holidays and profit sharing and what not. his role changed a little bit, but he is still a designer... just a systems designer now instead of content design. i'm not sure if that is even right or what either of those titles mean. matt will inform me, if this needs changing. b and i are so happy and proud of matt, who is consistently working hard and making advancements at work. oh! he was also just interviewed by pc gamer magazine for the game he is working on. sooo fancy, right? i will of course get the article right to you when it comes out! matt is so cool.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

date night

one of my most favorite date night activities is going to get a cozy drink and check out the books at barnes and noble. as a side note, don't even get me started on my deep hate of the kindle and nook... that's for a different day, a different post. moving on, matt and i decided it was high time for book night, date night. i got the new salted caramel hot chocolate from starbucks, it's gooooood, and matt went with a classic, pumpkin spice latte. then we headed to the book store. for some reason, this night felt a little different than normal. we spent a lot more time in the kids section, especially with the stuffed animals and train table. i think the weird vibe had a little something to do with the extra addition we had with us. oh well, he is so cute in the face, how can he not dominate every aspect of our lives... including date night.

waving and waving

that's right... beckett started waving this week too. it is just a week of milestones for this boy! and he is an expert waver and will instantly wave on command. he is so impressive. a video, you say? oh, well, okay. 

bestie cookies

jenni has been working hard to create the ultimate brown sugar cookie for me. she worked so hard that now she is on a sugar fast! she had too many cookie samples. i didn't even know that was a thing that could happen. anyway, she came up with a pretty delicious recipe and i tried it out last night when kate and zac were over. we all agreed that it was a success. i even made some with actual chocolate chips, but matt said they were tainted and really preferred them in their pure form. so... from jenni's kitchen and double tested through mine, here is her blog post and recipe. enjoy, i know you will.

"brown sugar, why you taste so good?" brian baker

aunt kate is here!

aunt kate is visiting for the weekend and she came over with uncle zac to see beezus. i love both of these pictures very much. doesn't it look like zac and beckett just finished singing a duet together? or am i just a big weirdo...

the most wonderful time of the year

yes! if you can't already tell... i love fall so much it hurts! i love fall weather, i love fall clothes, i love fall decor, i love fall holidays. what is not to love?! what, i ask you?! we went to the yakima fruit market yesterday and got the first pumpkins of the season. hurray!!! AND we roasted pumpkin seeds last night and they were so delicious. i am so glad my dearest friend, autumn has arrived.

he speaks!

beckett said his first word! and he mimics it back when we say it! and he kind of knows what it means! he is such a big guy! i just love his smartie pants face! 

okay... now you know the terrible truth. his first word was not mama. he won't say it at all, but i'm sure it is in his heart... waiting to come out.

yes... his first word was dada. i will say that he calls matt and me dada, so i don't feel too bad about it. and it is pretty cute to hear him. he is so impressed with his new word, he says it all day long. also, he makes a snake sound... on his way to sssssssaige. he has a lot of words to learn. go beckett's vocabulary, go!

more madison park

we went on a date with margaret and penelope to madison park last week because they had never been there! crazy talk! it was a delightful fallish day and margaret even treated me to a pumpkin scone. i just love fall so much. and madison park. and scones. and our babies. and the dunne kids... who met us there. here are the not so super great photos of the kids from the day. sorry, b was kind of in a mood. oh, also, the madison park starbucks serves wine and beer... how weird is that? man, did we get drunk. i kid, i kid.


more sigl time

here are a few more sigl time pictures... mostly by jane again, except of course the ones she is in. we didn't get any cookie time pics... we were too busy shopping and making and eating them, of course. too bad because b and jane in the shopping cart together was pretty cute. you'll just have to take my word on that.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

puppy love

now that beckett is eating some foods, the dogs have started to develop a new appreciation for him. i think they will be the best of friends soon. especially since beckett is more than willing to share with his new buddies.