
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

movin' on up!

yesterday, matt was offered a full time postion at arenanet. yay! if you are confused about how that is different from his contract position at arenanet... let me just tell you. his new position is permanent, so he doesn't have to worry about getting rehired every six months and whether or not his job will be in jeopardy when the game he is working on actually releases. plus, he gets benefits now like paid time off and holidays and profit sharing and what not. his role changed a little bit, but he is still a designer... just a systems designer now instead of content design. i'm not sure if that is even right or what either of those titles mean. matt will inform me, if this needs changing. b and i are so happy and proud of matt, who is consistently working hard and making advancements at work. oh! he was also just interviewed by pc gamer magazine for the game he is working on. sooo fancy, right? i will of course get the article right to you when it comes out! matt is so cool.

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