
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

welcome to the planet, maya

so, this post is a tad delayed, but i just got the chance to go and meet still pretty brand new, sweet little maya. she is the newest addition to the family that i used to nanny for, you know... before i had my own baby to take care of. maya came along almost exactly nine months after beckett... did i give somebody baby fever? actually, i probably did because manal is one of those crazy ladies who loves to be pregnant... and she got to spend a whole lot of time with pregnant cortney. anyways, everybody at their home is lookin' good and it seems that so far the dreaded transition to three children (outnumbered parents...ahh!) is going smoothly. in fact, manal still insists that the hardest transition of all... is going from no kids to one. good news for me because i already did that! and yes, if you are wondering... holding tiny, tiny baby maya made me nostalgic for a newbie baby. how soon we forget the hard part of growing and taking care of a brand new person!

congratulations to naz, manal, adam, and hana! maya is the perfect final addition to complete your family. except... now you need a dog. haha... ha. 

 baby maya

oh! random side note... check out manal's blog on balancing kids, work, marriage, you know... life in general! it's a goodie! 

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