
Monday, November 14, 2011

i am thankful: part two

5 baby inventions i can't live without, thanks inventors

1. the diaper genie
it is so amazing... what did people do before the diaper genie? put the diaper in a bag and carry it to the outside garbage every single time? monsterous. 

2. the excersaucer
i hate the way all excersaucers look. why in the heck doesn't somebody make a cute one, in subtle colors, with wooden toys, and adorable fabrics? that would sell. seriously. of course i am embarrassed by the gigantic, hideous excersaucer taking up half the living room, but i can't imagine living without it. if i didn't have it to happily contain b... i would never be able to pee. 

3. the sound machine
b listens to classical music while he sleeps. it is wonderful for so many reasons. first, it puts b in the mood to sleep. he knows when the sound machine goes on... the crib is not far off. also, dreaming while classical music plays is probably helping make b a genius. and as an extra plus... it drowns out the barking of the terrible, terrible dogs and makes it so we don't have to tiptoe around while b naps. 

4. the bjorn
b is too big for it now, but for the first 6 months it was a lifesaver. we would use it all the time when we were out with beckett, but also all the time at the house to calm b down if he was getting fussy. it is such a clever little thing, i can't stand it. 

5. shoe socks
b hates to wear shoes. he also hates to wear socks, but ignore that. the magical shoe socks give me the ability to not force my not even walking child to wear shoes without him looking like... some non-shoe wearing hippy. okay, really they are just super cute. we were lucky to recieve a box when he was born and then another box in a bigger size when he was 6 months. shoe socks for life! or until he walks... 

what's your favie baby product?

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