
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

st patty's day

oh gosh... i am a serious blogging failure. it is my deepest shame. fear not, though. after a two week break or so... i am back! things look pretty much the same, it's almost like i never left. let's head back a little ways to the day of saint patrick. we decided to make corned beef and cabbage because matt loves it and his family makes it every year, but then tragedy struck. matt got very sicky! we were having some friends over for dinner... so (are you ready for this?) i made dinner by myself! impressive right?! actually not that impressive. have you made corned beef and cabbage before? you basically stick the meat and cabbage in a pot of hot water for a couple hours with an included seasoning packet. the end. i did make roasted potatoes though. it was a success. i will say, i did not enjoy my evening of being a single parent. i'm glad matt rarely gets sick and is normally a very helpful guy. matt got to try my food two days later when he was finally feeling better. beckett loved wearing green and playing with his friends. he thinks big kids (like tyler) are super cool. she is pretty cool. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

scheduled cleaning

so... i decided to try a pinterest idea and make a cleaning schedule. somebody please hold me accountable to this, okay? hopefully it will work well for our family and household. if nothing else i did enjoy using excel to make a good spreadsheet document. i am weird, i know. when matt saw the schedule he asked if it was for him. i told him it was for me. he said, "good. don't ever make me a list. i would rather live in filth." that's nice. 

um, here are two pictures of beckett... he has started shielding his eyes in expectation of my camera flash. he thinks it is funny too.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

a date with harper

on wednesday we had a little bit of sunshine and decided to meet up with lonnie and harper for a date at the park. we tried a new park, with a train theme. it was very exciting.

although the sun was out, it was still pretty cold. we decided it would be very important to go get cozy drinks at starbucks. harper got her first ever starbucks drink. she had a triple tall latte. that's a lie. she had a moo... that is whole milk with no ice. beckett had an empty cup. he loved it. a park date and starbucks on a chilly spring day is pretty romantic, huh? too bad harper and beckett had to embarrassingly have their moms drive them around, otherwise it would have been perfect. 

his own quesadilla

last week matt met beckett and i at the library after work for a book date. (if you're waiting for my february book review... don't hold your breath.) afterwards we decided to stop at qdoba for a quick dinner. it turned into a pretty big deal because beckett got his first ever restaurant meal. he has tried stuff off of our plates at restaurants before and i usually take food for him to eat when we are going out, but this time he got his very own meal. he had a cheese quesadilla from the kids menu. we didn't even have to cut the food up, thanks to his five million teeth (really he has 12... which is kind of a lot). he looked like such a big kid sitting there with his own plate eating his quesadilla. it was kind of a scary... "ahh! he is getting too big too fast" moment. also it was very adorable. also, i took pictures. i am a wacko, i know. i just love his big boy face. it's weird to think back to this time last year when he was just a little 2 month old lump, i couldn't even imagine this future beckett...sitting and eating his own food. it's weird. and cool. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

a rockin' concert

last saturday whitney and i took quinn and beckett to a super hip and cool activity. a concert! in seattle! for kids! the band was called purple house and they sang kids songs and their drummer was a kid... maybe nine or so. adorable. it was a pretty cute thing, and so popular, the place was seriously packed. of course. seattle peeps love their concerts.

the concert was in this old brick community building. fun.

beckett wore his super hip cardi from aunt saige.

he got a hand stamp... because that's what happens at concerts.

showing off his first temporary tattoo. it is half a monkey. it's abstract and edgy.

quinn looking at his full monkey tattoo.

then the dunnes showed up and brought us, you guessed it... mighty o donuts!

do you see the tiny drummer boy on the left?

quinn liked being right up front... in the baby mosh pit.

beckett was more of a stand in the back and raise the roof kind of guy.

beckett was so glad that fox showed up. now all the friendo-s were at their first concert together.

quinn had to be carried home. it was that crazy. wowzers!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

super nanny

last week beckett and i spent a lot of time with our good friend, baby maya. we helped watch maya for the week while her mom was in the final stages of hiring a super nanny. not that i am saying i'm not a super nanny, i totally am, but the lady she hired is even british... that is legit. anyways, having two babies is pretty hard. technically, beckett and maya are far enough apart in age that i could have had a baby the same age as maya, IF i had gotten pregnant in the hospital. eww. people that have irish twins and claim that they planned it are totally lying, i think. lucky for me, maya is a pretty easy baby and watching her is a pretty easy job. watching beckett in a non-baby proofed house... not as easy. why are cabinets so interesting to him? why?! anyways... i digress, here are some pictures of our time with maya. i took zero pictures of the big kids. i only saw them for about five seconds after they got home from school. i was a little sad about it.