
Friday, March 9, 2012

a rockin' concert

last saturday whitney and i took quinn and beckett to a super hip and cool activity. a concert! in seattle! for kids! the band was called purple house and they sang kids songs and their drummer was a kid... maybe nine or so. adorable. it was a pretty cute thing, and so popular, the place was seriously packed. of course. seattle peeps love their concerts.

the concert was in this old brick community building. fun.

beckett wore his super hip cardi from aunt saige.

he got a hand stamp... because that's what happens at concerts.

showing off his first temporary tattoo. it is half a monkey. it's abstract and edgy.

quinn looking at his full monkey tattoo.

then the dunnes showed up and brought us, you guessed it... mighty o donuts!

do you see the tiny drummer boy on the left?

quinn liked being right up front... in the baby mosh pit.

beckett was more of a stand in the back and raise the roof kind of guy.

beckett was so glad that fox showed up. now all the friendo-s were at their first concert together.

quinn had to be carried home. it was that crazy. wowzers!

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