
Monday, April 9, 2012

beckett kol at 15 months

so, i missed doing beckett's 12 month review, but no biggie... what is so important about turning 1? oh yeah, everything! i have been feeling a lot of guilt over it. time to let go... and move on... to 15 months! i can not believe that we are a quarter of the way through beckett's first year. man, it is so obnoxious how parents non stop talk about how fast the time goes and how you have to relish every precious second... and now i am forced to be that obnoxious parent. why do they grow so quickly?! ahh! really, i a little bit love it too. b and i took a walk today and watched the kids at the elementary school next door playing during recess. one day in not too long b will be one of those kids. mind blown. 

nicknames: b...beezus...beezaroni...bkol...beckenheimer

you are an expert walker. you never, ever crawl anymore, even when you get to the small landing on the steps, you stand up and walk the two steps to the next stair. you are pretty fast, but use a lot more caution when you are outside. you do not like to fall down and accidentally be forced to touch disgusting things like grass, dirt, or (god forbid) the wood chips on the playground.  

you are using more and more words all the time. you say "bless you" when somebody sneezes, sometimes "thank you" if you feel like it, and "heeeeey" when somebody comes into the room. you also use the signs for "all done" and "more" for everything. when you want to get up on the couch you sign "all done"... like you are all finished with being on the floor. also if you want something opened or adjusted you will come over to me or your dad, grab our hand, open it up, place the object in it, and sign... "more". 

you are great at snuggling. when you hug somebody you put your head on their shoulder and say, "mmmmm". i think i maybe used to make that noise when i cuddled you... and so you just think that is what you do. when you are stressed out you need hugs right away. every time we pour water over your head in the bath, you get upset, and then need to hug it out. 

you looooove the dogs. you chase them around the living room and you laugh and laugh as they scramble away from you. i think you think they are enjoying playing the game with you, but they are not. really, you are good with them and give them very gentle pets most of the time. you also give ford snuggles and kisses when you can catch him. 

you have a crazy good sense of humor. you think it is so funny when your dad fake sneezes. you laughed out loud during an episode of mickey mouse clubhouse when they talked about goofy having stinky shoes. at the pet store where we buy dog food there is a huge parrot named tiki that just hangs out and you about lost it when she flung some seed shells at you. your dad also taught you to smack your own butt (he says, "give {whoever} a booty smack!") and you just know that is a funny thing to do. 

you love dancing. when i make up crazy songs with your name in them you just spin and spin until you fall down. you also like to clap and shake your bum and throw your hands above your head. 

i could really go on all day. you have SO much personality... i can't handle it. everything about you is so adorable and you seem so much bigger and grasp new concepts everyday. i love watching you turn into a fun toddler and feel so lucky to be your mom. you are really my all time favorite tiny person. 

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