
Friday, May 18, 2012

mother's day

being a mom is super the coolest. we spent this mother's day doing a lot of things that beckett enjoys, but that's fine. i enjoy him and spending time with my cute-sie little family. i was going to force matt to watch breaking dawn with me, but lucky for him i just saw it in hawaii. here is what we did...

we got up medium early (that's the best because you feel like you slept in a little, but not so much that you missed a big chunk of the day... you know, like 9am) and beckett gave me a really nice homemade mother's day card. so jelly... get it? beckett is so creative. 

oh! i also got beautiful tulips (my favie!) from allie. this is like 1/10th of the bouquet... it was serious business.

so, we drove into seattle and headed straight for mighty-o donuts, of course! mmm... they are so good. and so delightful for breakfast along with a chai latte. 

then we went over to madison park. we walked down to the beach and beckett headed straight for the water... no hesitation. he was quite shocked at its temperature. he got pretty spoiled from hawaii, i suppose. it was not so shocking that he felt like he needed to get out though. eventually, he was in just a diaper, which is quite classy, i think. 

some swing time and some bakery time. (it was a very carb filled not healthy day for us.)

then we headed home for a nap (i actually went and ran some kid-free errands, magical). i hung out with b while matt did some grocery shopping in the evening and then matt made steak fajitas for dinner. what more could a mother want? really though, thanks for the special day boys.

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