
Thursday, July 12, 2012

18 month check up

on tuesday beckett had his 18 month check up at the doctor. lucy said he is doing great... right on track... yadda yadda yadda. sometimes i feel sad for beckett because we don't take him to a pediatrician, lucy is a family practice doctor. so there are no toys or books in the waiting room, just a fancy rock fountain. then i decided i am glad about that because why would i want beckett playing with contaminated sick kid toys? i would not. beckett has been playing with a doctor kit a lot, especially the stethoscope so he was very interested when lucy checked his heartbeat. and he didn't even freak out getting his head measured. such progress. he did freak out over his 3 shots, but that's reasonable and it was nothing some fruit snacks couldn't remedy. he is a tiny trooper... actually a tall and skinny trooper. 

height: 33 inches 71%
weight: 24 pounds 6 ounces 30%
head: 19.5 inches 90%

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