
Sunday, July 8, 2012

beckett kol at 18 months

yesterday was beckett's 18 month birthday. it's true... officially one and a half! i can't believe it. it honestly stresses me out that he just keeps growing and changing and more and more of the personality that will make him the funny little individual he is going to become is starting to show. also, i love it. i thought that i wasn't going to be that parent that thinks everything my child does is just the most special, unique, precious thing to have ever happened on this planet. wrong. i think it... all. the. time. i want to go back and pinch "before mom" cortney for every time i thought i knew what kind of parent i was going to be or what kind of child i was going to have or whatever kind of nonsense i was thinking before i had any idea what to expect. silly  me. all i can do now is try really hard not to give unsolicited advice to other parents because i only have one kid who is unique to our family and i am only one mom and only have my own experience to go off of... and i'm not an expert. sometimes i act like a jerky know it all anyways though. it's hard not to. anyways... geez... random tangent... here is a beckett update!

nicknames: b, beezer, beck, bones

you have started using a few short sentences and you use and use and use them all day long. your top three are "what is it?" "i don't know" and "there you are!" you basically point at everything all the time and ask what it is, even if you already know the answer. if i ask you what something is, your reply is that you don't know even though most of the time you do know. if i ask you where a person or object is, you will point at it and say, "there you are!" when we ask you to say a word you will almost always make an attempt at it even though sometimes it comes out crazy!

you have started running and it is scary! you especially love to run down grassy hills. you are getting more stable, but of course you still fall quite a bit. we have officially entered the stage where you pretty much have permanantly scabbed knees. you always point at the scabs and ask "what is it?!"

you are all over the furniture. you can get up and down from the bed, the couches, the chairs. word on the street is that you take after your dad in the climbing department. you have also started going down the stairs backwards and on your tummy. you make your whole body straight and just slide right down. it is a very effiecient form of stair travel. 

you love to read books. you will sit very patiently and listen to a whole story. stories have started to take an extra long time becuase you point at everything on every page and ask what it is. it is especially bad at bed time. i am starting to think you are more clever than we give you credit for and are just trying to delay your bed time. 

you are eating whatever we eat for meals. the only food you haven't tried yet is peanuts... but i am pretty sure you don't have an allergy. you love all fruits, especially blueberries, most grains, and some meats. you hate... milk, eggs, potatoes, and avocado. the crazy thing is that i love all those foods and ate all of that a ton when i was pregnant! what in the heck? you are a kook.

when we tell you to be gentle with anything you softly pet it and say "good girl" because that is what we taught you to do with the chihuahuas. you softly pet and praise glass dishes, small bugs, babies, hair, candles, etc.

we love the little person you are growing into. you have a funny sense of humor, a lot of compassion, and you are super stubborn. your gigantic blue-gray eyes make my heart break into a thousand pieces. we are very lucky to have you in our lives.

1 comment:

  1. He is such a big boy! I can't believe how fast it all goes. Emmie is only 6 months behind him, but I still can't even imagine her doing all the things B is doing! Congrats on having such a happy, healthy, brilliant boy!
