
Saturday, January 26, 2013

2 year check up

beckett had his 2 year check up on the 18th and it went really well, per the usual. jane came with us (don't judge her bathrobe... i grabbed her right from pajama day at school) and we asked her if she wanted a couple just for fun shots, but she passed. since b is just so old now, he got a tiny gown! it was the most riduclous. beckett got one shot and... no tears! he stared at the nurse and you could see him literally holding them back, like he didn't want to give her the satisfaction of seeing him cry. what a brave, strange boy. beckett is still considered tall and slender, according to the charts. he does have skinny arms and legs, that belly on the other hand... well, we'll see what happens with that. beckett is a big guy now and the doctor said he should take a multi-vitamin. he's practically an adult. we got him gummy vitamins with extra, extra vitamin d, since he is slightly sun deprived here. when the sun does shine, beckett screams, "my eyes! get out of here sun!!!" ha! he is truly my kid. his favorite part of the check up this time? getting his reflexes tested, of course. that is pretty funny. 

height: 36 inches (3 feet exactly!) 86%
weight: 28 pounds 49%
head: no more head measurements!

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