
Monday, January 21, 2013

beckett kol at 24 months

so i debated in my brain whether to keep running with months in the title or take the plunge and switch to years. i am not ready for years yet, i decided. it is shocking how much a little person can change in three months. i have a friend from college who keeps track of her daughter's words on her blog (i'm talking about you, shannon!) and in about six months her head is going to explode with just the thought of trying to keep that up. it's really pretty cool. the brain that i grew in my stomach totally works! it's amazing! and it makes choices and has a sense of humor and can relate to other little people with brains. ahh! i love it. okay... review time...

nicknames: little b...beezer...beckenheimer...beezus

you speak in total full sentences now. like a real person. last night you made a wooden dinosaur roar in the face of your baby doll, then you came up to me and said, "mama, my baby is a little bit scared of dinosaurs." what?! are you five? also, duh... that dino was right up in her face. i also went to get you from a nap the other day and i said, "hello, little boy!" you responded with, "hello, big mama!" your little logical brain is freaking me out! aaaand, in what universe would my nickname be big mama? ha. 

sometimes you pretend to be a cat. you are dedicated to your role, cat time is serious business. you crawl around, and pretend to eat fish and drink out of a bowl, and add lots of "meows" to your sentences. cat beckett usually hangs around for about an hour. that's a loooong time in 2 year old world. it's pretty impressive.

the moment you turned two you decided you were over anything baby. the new booster seat i just bought you like a month ago? dumb. you will only sit in a regular adult chair and you don't care one bit that you can barely see over the table. even at restaurants. it's a delight. no sleep sack for you... just a big boy blanket. no getting assistance into your car seat. no baby cups. also, no more wearing a coat. i don't really know what that is about, but at least it isn't like 30 degrees outside. oh, wait.

(these were the days... of the coat...)

you have two books read to you before nap and bed everyday as part of your routine. you have about ten bedtime themed books that you get to choose from. you know the titles of all the books and pretty much have them totally memorized. sometimes when i am reading a book to you, i will hear you whispering the words along with me. 

you are a great sleeper and we are thankful! you sleep about 10 to 11 hours at night and take a 2 to 3 hour nap in the afternoon. you still prefer to sleep like a teenager and if it were up to you... you would go to bed at midnight and sleeeeeep in. right now you are in bed by 10:30. yes, i know to many people this seems crazy and that one day we will have to adjust our timing. but we don't mind having you hang out with us in the evening and i love not being up at 6 with an early riser. so, whatevs.

obviously, per the usual, there are a million more things, but i'm going to wrap this up. you still have a gigantic santa belly (forever, maybe?) and we love it. you are so compassionate and brave, but not aggressive. you are challenging at times and get easily frustrated when you are having trouble completing a task independently. you do NOT want help before you specifically ask for it. you are a sweet friend and are generally a good sharer. we pretty much just love your face. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out! I know that day is coming, and I can't wait! Already I pretty much can't even begin to keep track of all of the things she understands, and I know it will happen with what she says soon.

    I can't believe B is TWO! I remember reading your blog, still very preggo, and thinking how grown up he seemed already! I felt like he was years and years older than E, but it just goes to show how very fast they grow these early years. He is so very handsome, you are going to have trouble in a few years, I think!
