
Saturday, February 2, 2013


last week i had a small nervous breakdown. here is why. i started talking to a mom of a student in jane's kindergarten class about preschool. she asked if beckett was going to start preschool in the fall. i answered yes. and that didn't freak me out because i had thought about that. and i knew i wanted him to start a program two mornings a week. and then she said, "isn't it so crazy that preschools all do their registration in february?" and i said, "oh my gosh, i know!" but guess what? i did NOT know! i did not know at all! so then i started freaking out. i had done zero research on preschools in the area. so i quickly asked around, had a frantic conversation with lonnie... who easily buys into stress and then we were stressed and researching together and we picked five schools to look at. we picked two co-ops and three christian preschools. i took some pictures at the open house to kirkland co-op. here is what i found out about co-ops. they are not for me. no sir. as far as i can tell, i volunteer all the time, create the lessons, provide the materials, bring the snack, clean the school!, and pay a good chunk of money every month. my money goes to... um? i don't know. plus, co-ops are VERY based around developing social skills and have very little to do with academics and i don't love that. it's fine for now, but we are in preschool for the long run, aka until kindergarten. plus plus, part of the reason for me sending b to preschool is so that he will have an authority figure that isn't still just me. plus plus plus, i have an education degree! if i wanted to do all the work myself, i could start my own preschool. not really, but kind of. anyway, no thank you co-op. so... a christian preschool it is! i have toured one and have two more to look at next week and then we decide and we BETTER get into wherever we choose because i will definitely get an ulcer if we don't. in conclusion, really people?! february? 7 months before he actually starts? that's a loooooong time for a person who has only been on this earth for 25 months. it's cool though. i'm sure stuff will work out and beckett will go to the perfect preschool and you can look forward to that post in just a little over half a year.

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