
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

beckett kol at 30 months

30 months! ahh! that sounds like a lot of months... because it is. beckett is officially two and a half, slowly inching towards the big zero three. i told beckett it was his half birthday and he told me he needed some cake. he is full of logic. now he asks me everyday whose birthday it is. there must be somebody to celebrate... somebody to eat cake for! right?! oh geez. review time!

nicknames: b... sweet boy... "mom! call my whole name!" beckett kol pennebaker

the other day i was making you breakfast and you pulled the basting brush out of a kitchen drawer and asked what it was. i told you it was called a basting brush. "oh. what does it do?" i started to kind of half explain it while cooking, but then i glanced over at your face and you were concentrating on me so hard. you really, really wanted to know what the basting brush was used for. i told you it was like a little brush and you could use it to brush sauce on things or sometimes i use it to brush butter on food. you nodded your head and ran over to your pretend kitchen. you pulled the stick of butter out of the refrigerator and got out some rolls. you used the basting brush on the butter stick (after you pretended to take the wax paper off it) and brushed the rolls. you "ate" one roll and brought the other one to me to eat. "here mom, i put butter on it for you... with a basting brush." oh my gosh. your little brain is just taking it all in, all the time. it's so cool... and overwhelming.

matt's office has a big break room (shockingly full of video game stuff and other game stuff) and a thomas the train table full of trains. you haven't ever seen thomas the train on tv because it is the most. boring. show. in the history of shows, but you love to play with the train table when we go to matt's work. it's really the only thing you are interested in and it is the only place you spend your time. because of this... you think your dad's entire office space is just the break room and that matt gets up every morning to go spend eight work hours... playing with trains. you hope that when you get bigger you can be a professional train player just like your dad. 

you start preschool in just two months! a letter came in the mail, confirming your spot as a 3's bluebird at rosehill christian preschool. the letter had a cartoon picture of three kids. a blonde haired boy, a girl with black hair in buns, and a blonde haired girl. you think the picture is of you, harper, and a mystery girl you have yet to meet. you tell me all the time that you are ready to go to rosehill school and see harper and your new friend. yay. i am so excited for you too. we'll see how much you love it when you realize that you stay there without mom and dad. i'm staying positive about it. probably you'll do great!

your gross motor skills are seriously improving, but you still have a long way to go. you are getting better and better at jumping and kicking your soccer ball and you can steer and peddle your tricycle all by yourself. we went to a party with a dinosaur pinata (blog post with photos coming) and it was almost painful watching you try and hit the pinata with a stick. i don't think we will count on you becoming a professional baseball player. it was the silliest. also, you set the stick down when you were done with your turn and hugged the pinata. so compassionate. beating something with a stick until candy pours out of it is a kind of weird thing to do with kids, when i think about it.

you got a piggy bank for your birthday (from harper and sawyer) and you are obsessed with collecting coins for it. it is the cutest thing in the history of things watching you run up to your room, wrestle down the piggy bank, and excitedly drop in your found (or rewarded) coins. i don't think you even realize that the coins are money and you could like... use them... to buy stuff. i don't think you even know what money is. although the other day you were turning on every light in the house and as an offhanded comment i told you not to turn on all the lights because it cost us money and now we spend chunks of time sitting in a dark house at night because you are working hard to keep our power bill down. "dad... why are these lights all on?! you know... this costs us money!" thanks for watching out b.   

having a two year old is like having a tiny, drunk, often naked little entertainer screeching around your home... and we love it. especially because it is you! how did we get so lucky? am i biased? i'm pretty sure no. beckett kol pennebaker we love you right up to the moon and back.

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