
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

back to school!

beckett started his second year of preschool! now he goes three days a week and is an old pro at the whole school thing. we are definitely excited to get back into a routine and only a tiny bit scared to juggle life with two kids and the two schedules that go along with it. sadly, harper is going to a different preschool this year since they moved, but happily penelope is continuing on with him along with most of the kids from his class last year. we love our preschool and we're ready for the constant inflow of beautiful art projects. let's go preschool2!

beckett is like penelope's stalker... for real.

so proud of my big guy and so happy to not have a tiny baby in my belly making me feel like junk this year! thanks natasha for staying home with a sleeping heath, so we could focus on the school kid!

no loosey-goosey schedule this year. we drop off and don't dilly-dally because it's circle time right away! serious business.

the kids getting their schultute. you can click on the word to learn more about this adorbs german tradition.

flashback! time flies!

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