
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

10 years!

 so, i haven't blogged in a hundred years and here is the reason. my little ocd self must blog in chronological order and october 1st was matt and my 10 year anniversary! and that's a big freakin' deal. so it needed a really big important post. and i just could not figure out what to write about it. how to be funny and inspirational and touching and reflective and a million other descriptive words about this momentous event. really though, it just made me stop blogging. i was too overwhelmed about it. and it's so silly... nobody could ever even care about this post. geez. i'm a loon. 

here are a few less seen photos from our wedding day. as i looked through our wedding album, it was shocking to see what a difference 10 years makes. i am seriously turning into an old woman you guys. i'm going to start all my sentences with, "i remember when..."

i remember when... just kidding.

lauren writing the names of my bridesmaids on the bottom of my shoe. the first name to rub off was supposed to be the next to get married. since i got married so young, my six bridesmaids were all unmarried. saige's name rubbed off first, which is silly... since she was by far the youngest bridesmaid and is the only one not married today. maybe we had the tradition wrong. ha.

my oh so precious flower girl, sophia. can you even stand her adorableness? she is still adorable and a teenager! as well as a competitive swimmer. and she still wears floral wreaths in her hair. even while she swims. i'm lying. 

 right after the ceremony, matt and i jumped into the horse drawn carriage i rode in on (can you handle my fanciness?) and matt's dad jumped right on in with us. it still makes me laugh to this day, when i see these pictures. just the three of us... it's too romantic. 

on october 1st a very special thing happened. we got married. another thing that happened is mt. st helens erupted. as it happened, wes was flying away from the volcano to our wedding. wes is a volconologist. he was just really super happy about the situation and you can tell by his face in this photo. it's been ten years, can you forgive us wes for unknowingly choosing eruption day as our wedding day? the answer, i think, is no. 

when i look back on my wedding day, there is a lot i would change. a lot. who knew how much my taste could change in 10 years?! just kidding. i wonder what a wedding planned by 12 year old cortney would have been like? probably spectacular. anyways, two things i absolutely would not change were the groom and the bouquets. they were so beautiful! i loved them that day and i love them this day. 

jenni gave me a sweatsuit to wear while i got ready that said bride on the back and had my new monogram on the front. i am not a sentimental person when it comes to inanimate objects. at all. this zip up is still hanging in my closet though. ten years later. it's probably the oldest thing in my closet. i can obviously never wear it outside. it's silly to keep it, but i'm just going to keep it forever anyways. 

this picture is one of the craziest to see. it is a bunch of totes adorbs, silly kids trying to pressure the dj into playing ridiculous songs. sean is the youngest person here (i think... i actually don't know when zane's birthday is). today sean is 18 and lives by himself in new york and works at a barn doing equestrian type things that i don't understand. so... that makes my brain explode. how are all these tiny people just adults now? my (exploded) head can't figure it out.  

 wowie wow. when you get married at 22 you have a pretty big crowd going for the garter... since most of your friends are not married yet. i wonder what size that group would be now? significantly smaller, for sure. i know my friend marcus caught the garter and he is now married, so it must have worked it's garter lady attracting magic. also, look at matt. what a handsome little baby face he was. no wonder i dragged my dad down the wedding aisle to get to him. 

oh little baby matt and cortney, all fresh faced and newly wed... ready to knock this marriage thing out of the park. ten years in and so far so good. we've had lots of moves, lots of homes, lots of jobs, lots of children. okay, not lots of children, just two... but they're pretty great so i'll probably try and talk matt into at least twelve more. i can't believe my luck, really. this life with matt is just so good. happy ten years to us!

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