
Thursday, June 11, 2015

a surprise visit!

my oma has a june birthday (like me!) and saige and i decided to fly down and surprise her on her birthday. i had hoped to fly down last year for her bday... because it was her 85th, but i had a newbie new baby and was too scared, so 86th it was! i took heath with me because oma probably wouldn't have even let us in the front door if we had shown up with no grand baby and heath is still nursing, so we're an inseparable team right now. it was beckett's last week of school, so he stayed home with matt and got some one on one dad time. we flew in a day early and stayed with my tante lorle and uncle bill and showed up on my oma's doorstep on the morning of her birthday. we put heath in front of the door and she was so shocked! she could not even process what was happening. with lots of sneakiness and the help of my uncle jack, it was a totally successful surprise. go team! my oma got lots of heath snuggles and we also got to see my dad and take a trip to the beach. heath is not in love with the beach, but i can kind of see where he is coming from. beckett used to also hate the beach and sand, but now he is all about it, so i assume heath will come around too. anyway, it was a very quick little california visit, but nice to get down there and see some family and celebrate one of my favorite people. happy birthday, oma! 86 looks good on you! 

oma's first selfie! also, what in the world, saige? how are your arms so long?

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