
Wednesday, July 15, 2015

beckett kol at 4 point 5 years

ah geez, four and a half. half way to five. and five is just a really big deal. everybody knows it. also, because old habits die hard... beckett is also 54 months! gah. these updates always stress me out because i slack every single time and then i find myself scrambling to think of stories or recall little details from the last six months. once i start though... it just makes me love the little people in my life that much more. especially since you really do only remember the good stuff. beckett is such a little person now with so many ideas and opinions and more personality than i can handle. hanging out with him is really a pleasure and the constant stream of questions that i get on the daily (because he's four and that's how four year olds do) is totally bearable when i stare at his sweet face. it also keeps me on my toes (and on google) because you never know what he's going to ask about. when were the last dinosaurs on earth? who is the oldest person? who was the first human? how did heath get out of your belly? is celery or chicken healthier for you? how many hours does it take to fly to australia? why does it get dark so early in winter? has there ever been a person with three hands? why does goofy always wear a hat? why?! how?! we must know all the things!  

nicknames: b, b kol, bud

you are obsessed with sweets. you will ask for treats a hundred times a day (you usually get about 99 rejections) and it is a real devastating time in your life when we tell you that it isn't a dessert night. you always want to tag along on trips to trader joes (because you get a lollipop for finding freddy) or safeway (because you get a free cookie from the bakery). when you bake with me, you just neeeeed to sample the sugar and i can't leave you alone with it for even a moment. you will even try and lick the measuring cups if i'm not paying attention. parties and events that don't serve cake are a big fat waste of your time. you must have such a sweet demeanor because you are filled to the brim with actual sugar. i'm always shocked when you get to put your name in the no cavity raffle at the dentist, but so far so good.

you are a crazy singer. and dancer. right now you know all the words to shut up and dance, tear in my heart, bad blood, and really a lot more. you will perform concerts for us that will include a very strange montage of current day (possibly inappropriate) songs and veggie tales hits. you scream sing along with the radio in the car. you will sit and watch taylor swift music videos for days. you try and copy the girl's dance moves in sia's chandelier video. you have band practice in your room with make believe band mates (named jerry, cocoa, and waffle). you already take piano lessons and are signed up for hip hop dance classes this winter (yeah! you read right!), but we are thinking about maybe voice lessons too? too much? you just really love music so much and you come from pretty musically untalented parents, so anything you learn isn't going to come from us! but musicians are like the coolest... so we want to encourage that passion! 

beckett quote
during lunch
"oh, chai there!"
"chai is french for hello."
"guess what? i don't think you know french."
"guess what? that was hurtful."

you are really into superhero pretend lately. you don't know much about comic book superheros (which is starting to make your dad stressed out), so you just make up whatever. you have a superhero mask that you got for your birthday and you will usually make one of heath's large bibs your cape. almost always you are "super beckett" and usually you have normal powers like super speed or super strength, but sometimes your powers are really specific and obscure. the other day while you were super beckett you told me your super power was the ability to summon and throw 17 chairs. you even really used the word summon. i don't even know. i am impressed with your large vocabulary and your creativity... even if it's a little weird. 

beckett quote
playing with blocks
"what is that?"
"a bunch of towers in a town."
"what's that tall thing?"
"a tornado. it's just a small one. the towers will probably be alright. plus, this man is here to stop the tornado."
"that's a man?"
"yes. it's hard to tell because he lost one foot and his head in a tragic accident."
"geez. doing what?"
"jet packing. he's a real daredevil."

beckett kol, you are a real joy. you are so hilarious... even though sometimes (maybe more than sometimes) it's only to yourself. you are such a wonderful big brother. you are generally patient and kind with heath and i am never nervous for you to be playing alone together and for that i am so grateful. you have such a helping heart. you almost always do what is asked of you and often offer assistance. you are a serious snuggler and you come to our room every morning to cuddle before we start the day. you're good at playing on your own and have a super imagination, but you of course prefer to play with someone. you are just our favorite big guy and we are so happy to call you ours.  

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