
Monday, July 27, 2015

jordan and brandon got married!

at the end of the month zac's sister, jordan, got married (to brandon!) in olympia at her parent's home. since i am all up in everybody's business when a wedding is involved, we somehow pressured them into inviting us and i was so happy because i like them and i like weddings. i always feel a tad anxious about weddings that are held at venues that don't normally accommodate weddings because it is so much more work and there is so much to think about, but they did a really great job! you could really tell how much thought and effort went into the event and there were a thousand tiny personal details which are really the best part about weddings, am i right? here are lots of photos, but also... congrats to jordan and brandon, we wish you a lifetime of happiness and i look forward to being all up in your business again one day in the future pushing for a baby shower invite. no pressure. ha. i stole the fist picture off of their photographers website, but after that it's just my pictures!

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