
Friday, August 7, 2015

heath kos at 15 months!

our silly little heath is fifteen months. what is even happening, with the time and its insistence on continuing so quickly? anyways, when heath doesn't feel like listening to the words i am saying or isn't happy about what i'm asking of him, he will slowly, slowly back away from me and out of the room... staring at me the whole time, until he backs around a corner and we can't see each other anymore. it's so ridiculous. don't you wish you could do that in uncomfortable situations without that making things a thousand times more awkward?! maybe i should try it sometime and just see how it feels. so, here is a little heath review... i'll just leave it right here and slooooowly back away...

nicknames: h, heath-ers, bug

you are the best little cleaner i have ever met. this is lucky because you are also a very big mess maker. i will ask you to clean up a certain set of toys and you will patiently pick up all the pieces and put the toy away. it makes you very stressed out to not be able to complete a cleaning task. things have to have lids put on them and be put away. the only thing you can't clean up are the books you are constantly dumping off the bookshelf. we're working on it though. 

you love and i mean LOVE any song by meghan trainor. if we are driving in the car and she comes on the radio, you instantly start bopping around in your car seat. at home i often have the tv on and just set to a music station, and no matter what you are doing or where you are, you will drop everything to go and dance if you hear meghan's voice. you especially love all about that bass. probably you can just really relate to it because you have a lot of junk in the trunk. 

you have started using words a little bit, but you aren't nearly as vocal as your brother was at this age. one of your big phrases that you're using right now is "and this!" when you see something you want that is out of reach you will start waving your hands in the direction of the thing and saying, "and this! and this!" if i give you the wrong thing, you will shake your head no, and continue on with the "and this!" until you're given whatever it is you were wanting. 

what you are lacking in the words department, you make up for with large motor skills. you are so good at throwing and kicking and even catching. when we were at our friend's house playing tball with the big kids your dad gave you the bat and put a ball on the tee just joking around. you went over and hit the ball with the bat on your first swing! of course that was mostly just luck, but we do think you are going to be a little athlete. 

heath. why are you the cutest thing that's ever happened? you are such a good little brother... always up in beckett's business, wanting to be doing what he's doing, eating what he's eating, watching what he's watching. you fill your role in this family perfectly. you are still a pretty good eater (getting more picky as you transition in toddler-hood, of course) and a great sleeper. you are such a mover, always dancing, clapping, jumping (your feet don't leave the floor yet, but you think they do), and spinning. you are a joy and a blessing, so we're thinking we'll just keep you forever!

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