
Saturday, October 17, 2015

anniversary costume flashback

so, i totally forgot to do a blog post on our anniversary! truthfully, last year felt like a big milestone anniversary and it makes our 11 year anniversary seem... i don't know, less exciting? is that terrible? i am excited to have been married to this guy for another year though! really. we spent our anniversary in new york (cause we fancy!) and had a date night at the national bar and dining room, which is a geoffrey zakarian restaurant. he is our favie tv chef! and we got dessert at magnolia bakery in grand central station and it was probably a bigger night out than we would have had at home... so it's a win!

since it's october... which is halloween month!!! please enjoy these flashback photos of a few of our couple costumes of the past. matt is such a trooper and i love his face!

bam-bam and pebbles

eric and ariel

daphne and scooby doo

paulie and juno 

harry and ginny(and a lion?)

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