
Saturday, May 14, 2011

oh geez...

so you're probably thinking that it is pretty crazy that nothing has happened in our life worth blogging about in almost four months, but it's true. we are the most boring family in existence. 

agh! i am full of lies! and shame! i am officially the worst blogger in the universe. the worst. and to top it all off, i am a bad photo taker. to be fair, we lost our camera battery charger for a full three months (it was in matt's sock drawer...duh). anyways, something would happen and i would think, "i really need to post about this" and then... nothing. and i would be so stressed about all the stuff i wasn't blogging about and how behind i was getting and how it was going to look insane when i posted 35 posts in one day and it is really a vicious blogging cycle that ends with... no blogging. the saddest part is... i thought i was going to be a super great blogger. so, what to do now? 35 insane posts? one horrendously long post? ignore the last three months and begin again? i don't know! see why i put this off for so long?! i think i'm going to do some highlights... and try and catch up. in years to come, this will just be an embarrasing blip in my blogging life... i hope. so, here's to better blogging! it's my, um, may 14th resolution. also, here are some pictures of b over the past few months, to make this post more exciting!

one month!
two months!
three months!
four months!

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