
Monday, June 4, 2012

cortney is like totally thirty

it's true people... on june 3rd, i officially entered my 30's... which is crazy business! i feel good about it though, pretty much. i have a nice home, an education, an awesome marriage, the cutest toddler on the planet (i understand that i am biased), wonderful friends and family, what more could i want? well, one thing. i kind of wish i had won the lottery by now. i guess i'll keep working on that in my 30's. in the next 10 years i look forward to continuing my education (time to get my masters, finally!) and growing my family even more and going on lots of adventures. lots of good stuff to remember from my 20's and lots of good stuff to look forward to in my 30's. shoot. that's a lot of good stuff. anyway... matt threw me a rad 80's party on saturday. why in the heck did 80's stuff go out of style? side ponies... neon everything... leg warmers. it was a magical time. thanks to everyone who came to celebrate... you're like totally awesome, for sure. 

natasha had never heard of designing women... which was crazy because she totally came dressed as one.

saige decided to go classy 80's. (we quickly found out that saige doesn't know much about the 80's.) in the end she looked like my mom. you're welcome for posting this picture saige. thanks for coming up.

family picture... b hates the 80's. i love them. 

turning 30 is the worst... psych!

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