
Saturday, October 11, 2014

beckett kol at 45 months

oh my goodness! 45 months...3 and 3/4! i have been a terrible blogger with his updates... i need to go back and do some catch up! just so you know... i am not a weirdo and i would never tell somebody that he is 45 months old. i realize we are way past the saying an age in months phase. just to clear that up. per the usual, the things he does and says and his behavior gets more and more fun at every new age. i don't know what you call this age, not a toddler anymore and i would cry a hundred tears if he is just a kid now... i guess maybe a preschooler? our favorite preschooler.

nicknames: b... beez... b kol

you are obsessed with your family. your definition of family is, the people currently living at the house. saige moved out at the end of the summer, and you will often dramatically start a story about the past with, "back when saige was part of our family..." it is pretty tragic sounding. you always prefer to have our family be all together. sometimes we will leave heath home with saige, to give you some personal mom and dad time and you will spend the whole time talking about how you wish saige and heath were with us, so we could be a whole family together. you love to have family couch snuggle time, and just really enjoy being a family unit at all times.

you started coming into our bedroom in the middle of the night about half of the time. it was a little stressful, since we already have a new baby in the room with us. we asked you why you came in sometimes and you told us that you wake up and you feel a little bit sad and a little bit lonely in your room alone, when the rest of the family is together. so, my heart broke into a thousand pieces and i just can't send you away now. as a compromise we have a small air mattress set up on the floor, with a pillow and blankets and when you come in, you get right into your little floor bed... instead of waking us up and trying to get into our bed. i know this can't go on forever, but i can't bear the thought of you being alone and sad in the middle of the night. i hate being alone at night too. so, whatevs man. 

beckett quote
driving in our minivan 8.22.14
"dad, you're being so unreason."
"what does that mean?"
"it means you're trying to be REALLY interesting, but you're NOT. just kidding. it means you're fancy."

you used to love the disney junior shows, jake and the neverland pirates and sofia the first, but both shows in the same week featured a witch on the show (not the same witch) and now you really, with a passion, hate them both. you haven't watched them in months. if either show happens to come on, you will frantically search for the remote and then just start crazily pushing buttons to get the channel to change. or you will just scream at whoever is in the room, "get this thing off the tv!" it's the weirdest. just recently you showed a little interest in a jake movie that is coming out, but only because the ad says it is an event for the whole family.

you have started to challenge us with empty threats. you are very terrible at understanding how threats work though. we have a rule at the dinner table that you have to at least try everything on your plate or no dessert. so you will say, "dad... if you make me try this chicken, i will be so upset and then i will never want dessert again. i will never have another treat." um... okay. your threats always negatively impact you and not anybody else. they kind of work on your dad because he doesn't like the idea of you threatening in general, but i really don't care.

beckett quote 
walking into preschool, fidgeting 9.24.14
"there's bumps in my boots. i think it's the shoulder blades above my feet."
"i think those are your ankle bones."
"i'm going to take my boots off... don't help me."

beckett quote
playing with a plastic dinosaur and a small triangle block 9.27.14
"what is your dinosaur riding on?"
"huh? nothing."
"what is that green block?"
"it's his sunscreen. he is holding his sunscreen."
"why does he have sunscreen?"
"what? so he doesn't get sunburned."

oh beckett, writing your updates i just laugh and laugh at what a funny tiny person you are becoming. you are a joy to us. you are such a great big brother and just perfect person for our family. i could not have imagined what kind of person you would become, and i just couldn't be happier watching you grow and develop your unique little personality. we are so happy you are ours. 

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