
Friday, November 7, 2014

heath kos at 6 months!

whoa buddy! here we go again! i kind of thought that because heath was kid two that i a little bit maybe sort of had this baby thing figured out. maybe i could just copy and paste beckett's reviews... with pictures of heath, at least while he was still a baby and we were discovering his personality. no way, man. how are two people made out of the same genetic materials and raised in the same environment so different. how?! i do believe that a person gains certain traits from birth order, for sure, but these boys are just so different. matt and i are different now too though, so i guess that is part of it. it's weird because when you are pregnant with your second child, you can kind of only imagine another little version of your first child popping out, so it's fun to see how different they can be. maybe too fun. like... makes you want to have thirty kids so you can see all the different personalities you could create. geez though... on to heath! (poor second baby... never gets anybody's full attention. ;)

nicknames... h... heatherton... heathers... baby boy... bug...

you are such a good sleeper... it's ridiculous. when we went camping for two nights, you just slept through the whole night... like 13 hours! we just moved you into your own crib and you were waking up at around 6am to eat, and i would just get you and bring you into bed with us, but you only did that for like two weeks. now you just sleep straight through like some kind of angel baby. you usually sleep from 10pm until around 10am. everybody told me there was NO way i would get two kids that would sleep in, but i totally did! ha! despite what the photos below suggest, you are a serious belly sleeper. 

you just started scooting around places and it is the craziest. you look like the world's tiniest, cutest zombie. you are super slow and you pull yourself forward using only your arms, letting your legs drag lifelessly behind you. there have been no attempts to get up on all fours yet. it is really pretty ridiculous, but you are loving being a mobile guy. 

it is insane how much you love your brother. you are always scrambling around to see where he is and what he's doing. you are clearly not going to waste any time playing the catch up game. beckett can always make you laugh with pretty much any random noise he makes or by just jumping around in front of you. one of your very favorite things to do is pull beckett's hair. strangely, this is not one of beckett's very favorite things. 

you are generally a pretty quiet guy. beckett would babble and babble endlessly, but we hear your voice much less. your yiayia says that your dad was exactly the same way as a baby. that they were even a little concerned about how quiet he was and then when he finally did start talking it was just full sentences. your dad is one of the smartest people i know, so i'm not worried about it. i do think you will also be a little more introverted like your dad, which is fine too... we just need to make sure you don't get overshadowed by your super outgoing brother. where does beckett even get that from? we'll never know. 

heath! we just can not get enough of your sweet face. you are such a calm, content, gentle baby. it is stressful to hear you crying because it just happens so rarely. you are a great sleeper, a great eater, a great traveler... you make the baby thing seem too easy. i definitely have to try and keep some perspective on how good we have it with you. when i talk to matt about more kids, he says, "lightening struck twice in the same spot for us. we have two cute, sweet tempered kids. i think we may be pushing our luck if we go for three." ha! he's probably right. i guess for now i will be grateful because we have a good thing going! heath, you are seriously the perfect addition to our family... my heart can barely handle it.  

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