
Friday, May 8, 2015

heath kos at 12 months!

i just went back to read beckett's 12 month review aaaaaand it doesn't exist! who am i? i just skipped that one, no big deal, apparently. well... okay then, moving on (really not moving on, just sitting around stewing about it) let's talk about heath. it's crazy to me that a person can change SO much in three months, that a new review on their life is necessary. babies are the weirdest. heath is really changing so much, all the time, and it's blowing my mind. heath is really developing his independence and sense of humor and showing us his likes and dislikes and continuing to be adorable in the face region. 

nicknames: baby boy, heath-ie, chubbalub

obviously, your most exciting milestone is that you are walking. in the beginning, you were very directionally challenged. walking forward was very tricky for you and so you would kind of sidestep all over the place, but then be surprised about where you ended up. it was like your legs were moving you places without consulting with your brain. it was so silly. luckily, you've figured things out and are now starting to get a pretty quick pace. you don't mind being picked up and carried (for now) which is so nice because i don't have to choose between letting you dangerously toddle through parking lots or suffer through a crying, wriggly baby that wants to be walking all the time. 

you have started to have food preferences, that of course change on the daily. for a while you could not get enough blueberries. blueberries were the most delicious thing that had ever happened to you. now... you're not so into them. the annoying thing is, the way we figure out that you don't like something anymore is that you will throw it off your plate. not even really throw it though. more like, grab one piece at a time and just gingerly drop it onto the ground. the other day i found a whole perfect pile of shredded cheese just right next to your chair on the floor. for the most part though, you still love food and are eating everything we eat.

you are really developing your sense of humor. you think it is very hilarious when we call your feet stinky. you love to climb under things (like tables or your crib) and then peek your head out. you just laugh so much about being underneath something that we are not underneath. you are super ticklish and an adrenaline junkie, like your brother. you love to be thrown around and held up in the air. although you smile all the time at home, you are serious business when we are out. you will rarely smile at strangers and you actually throw a lot of shade from the front of the shopping cart. 

when you come across another child, you will always crouch down in front of them. it's like you think you are really big and you're trying to get on their level. really though, you are smaller than any other standing human we have come across. even with other babies, you end up just staring at their lower stomach. then you always just start babbling like crazy. every single time. "hey. i'm heath. i know i'm gigantic... let me just squat a little, so you can relate to me better. now, here is a list of so many important things i need to tell you. also... did you want to taste my hand? i'll just try and jam it in your mouth in case you do." 

heath, even though i want to still consider you a tiny newborn infant baby, it is pretty fun having a toddler in the house again. you are still a good sleeper, a good car traveler, and a good nurser. you have just started to show some signs of separation anxiety, but i don't really mind that... probably because i'm not the person dealing with it when it happens. you love to be close to people. if everybody is up on the couch, then you absolutely must also be up on the couch. you have a pretty good arm. i am always surprised when i see small toys just flying through the air in the back of the van. you have a good attention span (for a babe), a sweet nature, and a generally happy disposition. we are thankful everyday that we get to be the ones who raise you up.  

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