
Sunday, September 6, 2015

iphone life fortythree

here's august... just being all august-ish! turns out kind of a lot of things happened in august. it's too many photos. i'm bad at under sharing, it turns out. 

just some cousins hanging out, nbd

a traditional game of baby throwing

uncle dan is so hilarious

these boys...

these lazy bums...

these boys just ran away from us, after accepting candy from a stranger. as parents we were winning on this day

reno children's museum

on a jet plane

his face is too much

somebody please buy heath this very expensive bird. it's his best friend

a sad little teether

don't worry, he recovered!

professional t-ballers

he loves his brother so dang much

a rainy bake day! it had been too long!

elliot is very successfully eating all by himself

oh, this isn't how you eat your burritos?

the view from our campsite. gross, i know

the friendliest friends

tent creeper

professional looking cow

these are all from this one time that i temporarily went insane and dragged six kids to a million places all over town like a boss

sister sister date

two years in a big boy bed! recreating his first night

after vaccination cake pop

a visit to dad's work

i don't even know. they're weird

the power went out and we went to ikea and bought a tunnel!

casual prince eric

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