Thursday, April 5, 2012

eggcellent cupcakes

two sundays ago our church had a big brunch that was egg themed. i made cupcakes and they turned out cuuuuuute. i got the chocolate cupcake recipe and the frosting recipe off of pinterest. yes... i made everything from scratch. not the robin's eggs... i bought those, but i did toast my own coconut for the top. toasted coconut is so delicious, i can't stand it. i liked the frosting and i thought the cupcakes were okay. i was kind of expecting a lot because they were called, "better than sex chocolate cupcakes." i feel like cupcakes are kind of hard to make from scratch. i have yet to find a great recipe and i feel like box mix is pretty good. i mean, it's no trophy cupcake, but it is decent... especially rainbow chip. anyway, if you have an amazing cupcake recipe you should let me know. don't give it some crazy over the top name, though. better to undersell it and let me be pleasantly surprised.

 (i only did step 1)

(no powdered sugar or cream cheese?!)

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